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Everything posted by SneakyDave

  1. She's ashamed of her own words?!
  2. Oh Dear: [ATTACH=full]213._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  3. I think a democratc started the practice 20 years ago or so. I don't think it's a requirement, it's just a way to see who thinks they're honest with their money. What's funny is that just this morning, my cousin Mark (Cruz supporter) somehow :innocent: got an email from Hilary's campaign, decribing how fishy it is that The Donald hasn't released his returns: Seems like the "He's hiding something" request is a little strange coming from the Hilary camp. Has she released hers yet, or is she "waiting for everybody else to do it first"? ---------------------------------------------------------------- Marky -- Every presidential candidate since 1980 has released their history of tax returns. This kind of disclosure is an opportunity for voters to do their research on whether candidates are paying their fair share (and get a little preview of how a candidate deals with economic management). Among other things, tax returns show us how someone spends their money, whether they’re charitable, and who they choose to associate with in business deals. Donald Trump has refused over and over again to release his returns. (Never mind that he called for Mitt Romney to do so in 2012!) He’s hiding something. It’s time to find out what. Join Hillary in calling on Donald Trump to release his tax returns right now: Thanks, Christina Christina Reynolds Deputy Communications Director Hillary for America
  4. Tomi Lahren doesn't do anything for me, she sounds too angry, like she's mad all the time. I get nagged enough already (OOPS). Meghyn and I would just chill and watch Netflix.
  5. The old directory on TAZ was throwing a database error for a long time. I wonder if that had any vulnerabilities in it? http://directory.theadminzone.com/ I think it was showing the server path where it was installed too, so that wasn't a smart thing.
  6. Haven't seen it but it'sprobably a win win for him and Fox
  7. It's just like Obama and Bush calling Osama "Usama". When you're neck deep in the intelligencia, I think they have their own names for things.
  8. oh yeah, that's another reason I don't like Trump, she's a unicorn. He's better be nice to her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKWmFWRVLlU View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKWmFWRVLlU
  9. Flint Michigan Tap Water Gas Station Sushi Adam Howard protecting 'Murica The originality of Striving's posts The business plan of Carlosx360 The heirs' claims to Prince's estate Donald Trump's Tax Returns.
  10. This was probably the oldest model I've ever used. Thought it was the strangest thing.
  11. I think Inferno is banned from XenForo too, if we're counting that.
  12. That doesn't look like a proper rotary dial either, maybe it's from the UK.
  13. Could you imagine?
  14. And then they can blame themselves if Hilary gets the oval office. I can't believe they would take that chance, but whatever. They like to get blamed fro things.
  15. WhiteChurches.com, I bet it's WhiteChurches
  16. Elizabeth Warren is also known as "Hilary Clinton's Lackey", and The Indian
  17. WaterClosets.com?
  18. Let them do whatever it is they think they're going to do, and it'll blow up in their faces, just like everything Cruz tried.
  19. I hate chat systems that don't have autocorrect worjing. What causes that, the fact that the comment area is TEXT and not a TEXTAREA?
  20. I hate those bags of food that you keep in the freezer that you're supposed to be able to lock at the top, but you can't, because it's a shitty implementation of the zip lock system. The bag ends up ripped, or the stupid 'lock' doesn't work at all.
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