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Scrotnig last won the day on January 23 2020

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About Scrotnig

  • Birthday 03/03/1978

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  1. Gary, here's a screenshot of everything I just said in the shoutbox here. I've posted it there because you deleted my account, yet again, despite everything I've said. I repeat - I am not going to attack you. I tried to be pleasant, I tried to engage, I tried to post and join in your site in the limited free time I have available. In return - you deleted my account. Yet again. So where else exactly could I post this other than here? However I do want you to be able to read it because like I keep saying I am *NOT* going to attack you. I just don't understand the attitude you have taken with me, given everything I have said. I will from now on just leave you to it, these are my final words on all of this. [ATTACH=full]2519._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  2. I didn't know he'd even put it back up.
  3. Although....only if he’s over 65. I suddenly thought, he can’t be.... So it would be unemployed benefit, although it’s callec something else these days.
  4. He will be getting basic state pension.
  5. Shortest. Lived. Spoof. Site. Evah! I didn't even get to see it.....
  6. I agree, when I had my famous spoof site up, I made it look exactly like G*ry's and it was a complete pain in the arris to do, and to configure.
  7. It needed a new sig.
  8. Ages since I've read that famous thread. I do like this: "I think Gary that you are probably a poor lost little individual short on friends and attention, so you say hurtful things to people to try and compensate for your own percieved inadequecies, (spelling?) thats kind of sad really, you'd make a good Bully, not a good thing that." Obviously G*ry's not like that today, nearly two decades later. Oh.
  9. Ooh it worked then...bit of an increase on normal levels.
  10. TalkNews has been rolled back to 18th September. I forgot I'd subsequently changed the database password so it promptly went down for an hour or so, corrected now. So its rolled back AND patched. All good. I'm afraid G*** is demonstrating that he REALLY doesn't know what he's talking about. WHich is handly, for anyone who didn't already know.
  11. FFS G***. Firstly...it's really funny when you have a conversation with yourself as a guest. Gets me every time. Secondly...I haven't been hacked. For the umpteenth time. Thirdly....I have not even looked at the vB support forums tonight never mind deleted or banned anyone or whatever it is you think I've done in some villainous conspiracy. Finally....ok here's what was broken. A few days ago I upgraded the demo site to the as yet early alpha 5.5.5. You know what they say with early alphas? They might have bugs. Big bugs. So it was that all my search pages (eg recent posts etc) returned a great big error in the debug view, like this: Template: widget_search_results => tag_editor Controller: tags Method: getNodeTags Arguments: Array ( [0] => ) Additionally the memberlist shows no members, (bit like G***'s!!) although unlike G*** all the members exist. I have checked. Of course, I'd been busy messing about with the new custom forum icon feature in 5.5.5, so I hadn't been on any of these broken pages. Then when I realised it was broken, I also realised there was this big exploit. So let's turn the domain off completely for a bit while I work out what's happened, if anything, and whether I'm at risk, and whether these errors were in fact down to a compromise of some sort. Pretty soon after, it dawned on me that what I *actually* had was an alpha bug. Phew! The bug is down to some work being done on how tags are handled, to allow more people to use them. Members list issue is related to that. I downgraded it by one alpha version which restored the search functionality but not the member list. But all things considered, with those bugs and today's exploit stuff, and a site with no traffic, what's to be lost by rolling it back a week? So that should get done tomorrow. Absolutely nothing to get worked up about it, but that hasn't stopped G***.
  12. And not withstanding THAT, I am having the site checked, just in case anything happened, because that's just sensible to do. Given it's a zero traffic demo, it might even be worth rolling it back a few days. Not like anything actually got posted or anything radical like that.
  13. All of that said - there certainly seems to be a vulnerability so until the patch comes out precautions have to be taken, and I've taken them today. The site is not vulnerable to whatever this thing is.
  14. And I was not 'hacked' either. FFS. It broke. I took it down and fixed it.
  15. [ATTACH=full]2273._xfImport[/ATTACH] G*** you do not understand what you're ranting on about. There is no "security risk". All you are seeing is a standard certificate error when you try to visit a subdomain that doesn't exist. I do not have 404 capture enabled at domain level. Never have. I don't want it or need it. The certificates are not wildcards they are specific to www.domain.com in each instance. If someone chooses to go to whatasillyname.domain.com then they will get a certificate error because it doesn't exist. I could easily redirect incorrect subdomains to the correct but I don't and that is deliberate. The only exception is non-www to www, and that IS redirected. Stop all this nonsense about security risks and hacking. You haven't the slightest clue what you're on about.
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