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Digital Phoenix

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Everything posted by Digital Phoenix

  1. until he gets bored of talking to himself again.
  2. [ATTACH=full]443._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  3. Right after calling, cookie cunt out though :joy:
  4. I most likely deserved the ban, i did call Alpha a thug :joy:
  5. [ATTACH=full]442._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  6. A lot of people believe that, and to be quite honest, it's a load of bullshit.
  7. [ATTACH=full]441._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  8. More like [ATTACH=full]435._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  9. What does that have to do with you having a spaz attack?
  10. Gary was trying to push the whole account on to him. That's a tos violation right there and dwiz won't go in for that
  11. Need to correct something, dwiz was gonna settle some time on Tuesday, it was only 10am his time when Gary exploded. That actually makes it worse.
  12. Dwiz intended to have the deal complete by 10am US time, but he got busy at work and gary went off on one.
  13. [ATTACH=full]431._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  14. He must have come looking for one of those Russian brides [ATTACH=full]428._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  15. Yeah, the rule is for mobile.
  16. @SneakyDave can ya feel the love?
  17. That shit is serious, my mum tried. She had to stop after a few days. That stuff is fucking nasty
  18. Cook, I don't give a shit about your gender or orientation. What I do care about is the fact that you murdered an innocent animal because you were too fucking cheap to do it the right way. I've had to have a dog put down, however unlike you I did it the right way. I held him as he was injected and calmly passed on. What you did to your dog was pure fucking evil. The primal reaction for any living creature that is being suffocated is blind panic, how fucking dare you say you did it out of love, you fucking cheap cunt. I sincerely hope that the next time you try that shit, the poor beast finds the strength to rip your throat out.
  19. Lol, you were demoted because of your presence here could reflect on taz. yet staff members that threaten a member on a personal level, and another that condones piracy remain?
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