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Digital Phoenix

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Everything posted by Digital Phoenix

  1. you don't learn do you?
  2. And you are deluded if you think banning guns is going to fix anything.
  3. All i hear when people start whining guns should be banned, is blah blah blah. Do you honestly think that the sicko that shoots a school or a nightclub up is going to care if guns are banned? If he can't get one from a dealer he's gonna get one from the street. And if by some miricle guns are banned and vanish from reputable dealers and the street. What then? There are other ways to kill someone. I could quite easily pick up a kitchen knife right now and kill 50 people before anybody even realises what's happened. The only reason these sick cunts use guns is because they are loud, cause panic and make a statement. A knife is far more discrete.
  4. [ATTACH=full]395._xfImport[/ATTACH] Lol
  5. [ATTACH=full]393._xfImport[/ATTACH] This right here is what having staff that condone piracy gets you.
  6. I also demand a coffee ninja icon
  7. I demand a Taz Spy icon dangnabbit
  8. lol He's basing coffee making off of McFatty's?
  9. I love pulled pork.
  10. And that is why you don't give out personal information online, kids.
  11. I asked what his military service number was. And yes the pissant has blocked me. Lol
  12. [ATTACH=full]297._xfImport[/ATTACH] The fuck mentioned anything about politics?
  13. At this point, I'm starting to wonder if he actually believes his own bullshit.
  14. What the actual fuck? Someone needs to hunt this kid down and fucking destroy him.
  15. @SneakyDave [ATTACH]257._xfImport[/ATTACH] You admitting the @Gary account is you? Or Gtb playing with his socks again?
  16. Taz definitely seems to be hurting now that @Ziggy isn't posting.
  17. BOOM [ATTACH=full]247._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  18. I'm surprised it wasn't actually removed from the shoutbox as that was the reason he was banned
  19. @Sheldon Lawrence is asking for your posts to be removed. LOL
  20. No idea
  21. Shoutbox bot
  22. @fixer 's ban reason [ATTACH]244._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  23. There's a comment from Ozzy in the first image that I see.
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