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Digital Phoenix

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Everything posted by Digital Phoenix

  1. Usually when someone is banned their profile is inaccessible, I can access yours just fine
  2. Katy had the same information as everybody else at the time. I fail to see how that counts as lying :rolleyes:
  3. You weren't just rude to the "crooks" you were rude to anybody that disagreed with you.
  4. I'm too greedy to be gay :cool:
  5. I see you haven't changed much :joy: that filthy temper of yours is why you kept getting in trouble :joy:
  6. the hobby dude, he has a really nasty attitude when he can't get his own way, he attempted to run roughshod over mod authors etc
  7. Chris told him off for being rude.
  8. As for mobile, Might I suggest an upgrade? It works absolutely fine on mine, even looks pretty good to.
  9. Then don't use it?
  10. Nothing wrong with a little foreskin :innocent:
  11. Meanwhile some of us are working whatever bullshit 0 hour contract jobs we can get, just to scrape by. #getajobgary
  12. No worries, I'd only use it to play around with, I'm like you in that regard, I like to play and tinker whether the sites take off or not
  13. I'd take it off you're hands if I was inclined to start another site, would even throw you some cash
  14. Actually, immigration was only a small part of it.one of the main reason was the fact the the EU has a nasty habit of dictating the laws/ interfering with sovereign states. Sure the racist scum like Gary had to have their day as well.
  15. Yes you are, you're also a pussy. Hiding behind guest posts.
  16. Wrong again, little boy.
  17. I'm not american, you fucking dunce.
  18. He's fucking delusional
  19. You can still skip by a post without reading it, you damned halfwit.
  20. You seem to be under the impression that people need an ignore button to actually ignore you.
  21. I seem to be late to the party again
  22. No, he's talking to Dave.
  23. No need to even run a script. Just use discord, everyone is on it now.
  24. The whole thread has gone
  25. Just call it what it is, vaporware
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