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Digital Phoenix

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Everything posted by Digital Phoenix

  1. I'm typing on a phone in a pitch black room, what's your excuse?
  2. Says the person with worse grammar that a preschool kid.
  3. If it's not that hard, why aren't you doing it? Instead of stealing other peoples work? You're a thief.
  4. Says the person that copies content from other peoples sites.
  5. [ATTACH=full]208._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  6. Agreed, also the whole. "If you don't click like on this you have no heart/respect/care etc Facebook has created a whole new line of spam/chain posting bullshit.
  7. You could always put your money where your mouth is and make your own forum. Edit If it's an uncensored forum you're wanting, I'm sure Sir Adam Howard would help you make one. :joy:
  8. That actually made made me laugh, kudos to you for that one.
  9. No need to rub the salt in :joy: I believe the reference is microshites new browser.
  10. the only recent drama on Taz that i can think of is Fixer.
  11. Wait, what drama on taz?
  12. Are you regretting your decision to invite him? Lol
  13. you seem to be obsessed with my porn career, I'll tell ya what, since you're so adoarable, I'll reserve a spot for you to be my co-star in the next movie :kissing_heart:
  14. Haven't you twigged yet?
  15. Nah, you won't get banned from here.
  16. Aww I have a fan. Bend over my pretty :imp:
  17. You what? Vick-ing?
  18. One thing that I can agree with you on, that bitch needs to be locked up.
  19. Love you to :joy:
  20. Relax, nobody sent me here. I've never had an issue with you. Besides everything is open to the public. :joy:
  21. Want me to prove it, sweet cheeks ? ;) Just because I'm "up Morgana's arse" doesn't mean I can't be up yours too, pretty boi. Now bend over and I'll make you smile like a real man. :imp:
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