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Everything posted by Sheldon

  1. Kasich will stay, regardless. He will be there at the convention unless Trump gets 1237.
  2. Today at 3:36 PM - バイス:
  3. :eek::Do_O This thread.
  4. Mitt Romney? Oh hell no!
  5. Hmmmm, a SneakyDave church. Interesting. I'll be waiting for the invite.
  6. Carlin > *
  7. I'm seriously confused as to why anyone would care.
  8. No shit. To each person going to restroom: "Uhhh, can I check your penis, or lack of please?"
  9. It's becoming an issue because some transgender's have not been allowed to use the restroom of their new gender.
  10. I'm certain at one time or another, we've all been in a restroom at the same time as a transgender.
  11. The kid defense.... err.... rationalization is weak. Arguing against something simply from fear of what "could" happen. I've yet to see any example of this happening. Yes, I've looked. My little town just passed the law. Lewisburg, WV
  12. Since I've been banned, and had no chance to reply at that other site, let's start here. Thoughts? Should transgender's go to the restroom of their new gender? Or, stay with "what their born with"? Curious on the thought process here.
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