i wasnt just banned from chat i got completly banned and without any warnings at all.
i was talking to someone that was foreign , i use doc holiday as my avatar he asked me if i was mexican
if anyone knows about the doc then being called a mexican is most definatly an insult so i replied as such
dont much matter now even if i got reinstated i couldnt not be a dick at this point and get banned for a real reason
thanks for posting the screen shot , tho it is taken out of context them are indeed my words
maybe this howard guy is a clean Mexican and took offense
never mind no such thing
i only read the first post here,
im sorry for ozzy because i like him and think hes a good dude
this sandman guy is a power hungry moron with no integrity and will be the doom of the admin zone
i cant recall posting anything racist.
i admit, i may of deserved to be banned for a number of other reasons but racist is pure bullshit
this guys a piece of work
i think its crap that taz banned me a day later for no reason , then i found out that no one likes them guys anyway , i don't even know who 1/2 of you guys are
Hey look I've been a member of xf longer than any of you and only got 1 warning the whole time , I'm just messing with you guys on here same as i was them , i was on vacation and got board , don't mean to offend anyone just want to have some fun