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Everything posted by GTB

  1. [EDITED BY DAVE] "You are talking about the nonsensical ravings of a lunatic mind!" [/END EDIT] vbulletin 5 new version released
  2. Well done David. You just proved it was you DDoS'ing my forum. http://general-discussion.com/thread/717-sneakydave-slips-up-and-proves-it-was-him-that-ddos-the-forum/
  3. About time you moved on Paul to something else. You never shut the fuck up about me none stop on this forum and just seems like you want to try and make it personal with me all the time. I used to consider you being an OK person, these days knob. You're even on par now with SeakyDave and that is saying something, takes some doing to sink to his level!
  4. Tool/Vice (whatever you call yourself). How comes you're always sticking up for The Admin Zone talking utter dribble about it being a commercial forum. It isn't a commercial forum at all idiot. You talk a load of garbage!
  5. I don't think he said that, think he said he works a full-time job and only has so many extra hours he can work on-top of that in his spare time. I don't remember him saying he worked over-time. I have my doubts this Jeff Berry is a real person though... seems only he knew him, he doesn't use forums either, hmm.
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