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  tracy perry said:
Now, care to expound on Shred-Gate, Dump-Gate and his sneaking top secret papers off to Mar-a-Largo? Or how about the fact that his attempt to keep from having to testify under oath about his NY Trump Org shenanigans was shot down and now he has to try to rely on an appeal (his normal routine of trying to shirk responsibility)?

Or how about that judge refusing to quash the civil suits filed against him as a result of his speech on 01/06/2021?


You like the word "Gate", eh. You must be Tracy Maddow.


I have a feeling it will go just like your other investigations...




Ukraine Impeachment-Gate

January 6th-Gate


Get out of here with that nonsense. Let it play out. You get a bit too worked up for nothing. You likely were on pins and needles during "Russia-Gate".


Why aren't you curious about the flip side? Spying on a sitting President? Does that not concern you? Oh wait, it was Trump, it was allowed.


You've got a sickness Tracy. Liberalism is slowly seeping into your veins. You are literally Maddow 2.0 right now.


Seek help.

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  tracy perry said:
Or how about the fact that roughly 49% of Republicans polled have NO desire to see him run for President in 2024, up from 30% just a few months ago?

Things are looking bleaker and bleaker for him.


We will see.


I've noticed how well all those polls have worked since 2016.


Tell me, since you seem to trust them so much as you spout the numbers off as if you've slept with them for months....


Would you put your life on the line with polls?


Then shut up about them.


Also, can I randomly bold any part of a sentence to make it mean more?

Posted (edited)
  Sheldon said:
You like the word "Gate", eh. You must be Tracy Maddow.


I have a feeling it will go just like your other investigations...




Ukraine Impeachment-Gate

January 6th-Gate


Get out of here with that nonsense. Let it play out. You get a bit too worked up for nothing. You likely were on pins and needles during "Russia-Gate".


Why aren't you curious about the flip side? Spying on a sitting President? Does that not concern you? Oh wait, it was Trump, it was allowed.


You've got a sickness Tracy. Liberalism is slowly seeping into your veins. You are literally Maddow 2.0 right now.


Seek help.

So, I see you have no actual feedback on the readily apparent bullshit Trump has done other than to try to ignore or dismiss it.

Where do you have your altar to Trump located at? Near the entrance to your residence? Are all that pass it required to kneel before it before gaining entry into your abode?


As for your "spying on a sitting president"... you are aware that the item (which was MUCH ballyhooed in the Right Wing Media and you are most likely referring to) from Durham has suddenly died a sudden death because it was found to be total bull shit and basically stated as such by Durham, correct?


And we are letting it play out... and it's looking darker and darker for Trumpty Dumpty as it's showing more and more what a low-life criminal he actually is.


Also, never watched Rachel Mad Cow... apparently you do though.


Let me guess... you are also a Bonds for the Win adherent also?

Edited by 13511
  Sheldon said:
I see everyone has dropped the mask up now idea.


Strange how they are all being dropped.... especially after not doing anything.

They are being dropped because wearing a mask worked.

  Paul said:
They are being dropped because wearing a mask worked.







How do you go from bitching that not enough people are using them yet to claiming they worked.


Get the fuck out of here.

  • 3 months later...
Polish Scumbags are normally immune. It's too bad Dr. Bolton isn't around to give you a checkup.
"I wonder if wife Susie knows about the vile crap he posts on his site and how it fits in with her "youth ministry"?" - Dr. Howard Rosenzweig, former owner of TheAdminZone
Posted (edited)
  Paul said:

Really? Explain to us how the entirety Texas officers are responsible for the actions (or actual inactions) of the person in charge of that scene... which, I remind you, was a school district Chief of Police? Pretty sure I've already mentioned numerous times the incompetence of most SRO and school ISD officers. As for the SRO officers, they are usually the ones that for some reason or another cannot make it on patrol with a municipality, county or state position and are placed there because it's a "safe position" for them - much like many court bailiffs are not your best qualified for patrol, being placed in their position just to keep them in a job in an environment where they don't have to make many critical decisions.


From the image, they had MORE than adequate resources to force entry, being able to deploy at MOST 2 ballistic shields at once upon entry into the classroom via the door. In addition, some information from LEO friends that know some of those that were involved, in addition to shields and the long guns, they also had a tool that is used to pry locked doors open for dynamic entries. They had MORE than enough manpower and equipment for a dynamic entry.... the Chief simply failed in his job, most likely due to incompetence.

They already HAD officers requesting permission to make entry, but being denied by said illustrious ISD Chief.

  Sandyman said:
Cowards, they should all be fired at a minimum.

Problem is... not everyone there can be "in charge"....... otherwise you have simple mayhem and officers doing whatever they want. There were officers present that were requesting permission to force entry... and being denied such. They had an incompetent in charge of the scene... and finally someone came along that was MORE competent and outside the chain of command and not answerable to the one that was "in charge" (in name only, not competence) and took charge. Classic case of his incompetence... why do you go to a situation like this without a radio? That's a BASIC piece of equipment, and EVERY chief I've ever worked for had a portable in a charger on their desk that they always took with them when they left the office.

Then you have the idiot wanting to "shoot him in head" through an exterior window, just another point that proves his lack of knowledge. First shot through glass will normally depart from it's intended path, especially with a 5.56/.223 round (yes @Paul, this IS expert knowledge as I trained with our department sniper when at Lewisville PD - one officer from each shift did as well as the power shift officer, which I worked for 3.5 years, not to mention decades of shooting guns in hunting and seeing how a small branch can deflect a round).

A BETTER solution would have been to utilize a distraction device (known as a flash bang) through the window and then enter with the shields through the classroom door. You would have had the dual distraction of the breaking glass, and then the flash bang pulling his attention away from the window.... but it's doubtful that they even HAD any flash bang's in the city, like most small departments don't have. DPS officers doen't (unless they are on the SRT team) have that equipment available to them in a region. I know our local DPS office Ranger had several toys in the safe in his office, some of which were flash bangs and other distraction devices, and he was a member of the SRT team.

Hell, even just having several officers breaking the windows out would have been an adequate distraction.


That incompetent school district Chief needs to be terminated, and I said that to my wife the day it happened - and she agreed (she has 28 years in law enforcement also)... I really don't know why they haven't already done so.

Edited by 13511
  tracy perry said:
I really don't know why they haven't already done so.


Seems typical for a "protect their own" type of situation.


Our he would have already been fired. Someone above him is either protecting him.... or.... what else could it be.

  Sheldon said:
Seems typical for a "protect their own" type of situation.


Our he would have already been fired. Someone above him is either protecting him.... or.... what else could it be.

Odds are it's the ISD... if they immediately fire him, they admit that they hired an incompetent and may be afraid of lawsuits... that they would most likely win if strictly based upon his incompetent law enforcement decisions but still have to pay for defending against the suits... where they would have problems with is going to be their failure to follow their security plan.... leaving exit doors unlocked for convenience, not have taken the time nor funds to fix the classroom doors so that they could be secured.

Was talking with Rudy (our Sheriff and neighbor) yesterday at the barber and we got to discussing this and even he said he could not understand how that Chief was still employed.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Oh, let's not forget this either

Covid-19: Trial of experimental “covid cure” is among worst medical ethics violations in Brazil’s history, says regulator

Guess who the trials principal investigator was... if you guessed Flavio Cadegiani (the same person from that Blaze tweet) you would be correct. So, based upon his previous "investigative experience" it calls into question any other "research" he has been involved in.

Once they have research involving actual researchers that don't have something to "prove"... I'll trend more towards being a believer... and yes, I realize that many medicines can be used to treat other things. My issue is when you have someone that has such an apparent "dog in the hunt" as Cadegiani to "prove himself right"... and he's been tagged having issues in other research, it calls into question ALL the research he's been involved in.

Edited by 13511
Posted (edited)

I think I read that the CDC lists the horse dewormer as an effective treatment now. I haven't verified that, but if so, how could the science change?


Edit: Couldn't find anything on the CDC site other than Ivermectin treating scabies in humans

Edited by SneakyDave
"I wonder if wife Susie knows about the vile crap he posts on his site and how it fits in with her "youth ministry"?" - Dr. Howard Rosenzweig, former owner of TheAdminZone

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