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Mark.B (Scrotnig) 'strikes out' again at vBulletin

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Guest Howard is Dumb
Hahahahahaha, reading that thread poor Paul is TAZ's new Patsy. Poor dumb bastard is too dumb to realize it.
Guest Patsy Boy
Hahahahahaha, reading that thread poor Paul is TAZ's new Patsy. Poor dumb bastard is too dumb to realize it.


Dumb idiot indeed. So long as he gets his staff title back on another forum people go to from vB and XF to make him feel important, all is well in the world.

Guest Round Eye
Hello everyone, albeit briefly.


On reflection, I think my reply came across as somewhat 'grumpy', which wasn't my intention.

And since it seems the thread was bumped with genuine intent, it's fair to accept that the decision wasn't ideal for the circumstances.

Accordingly, I reopened the thread and removed my comment.


Indeed, he is staying holding to his nickname of FlipFlop. Something's never change, Mark.B does constantly.

Hello everyone, albeit briefly.


Howard dumdum liked his post when Mark.B was sticking two fingers up at TAZ with that said. In other words he was posting a one off reply because YET AGAIN he's left TAZ forum for the 100000,0000,000th time.


Master Flippy Floppy indeed.

Guest Told you so
Didn't GTB say before that Mark.B only post on the forum when it's about him. Looks like GTB was correct, Mark doesn't post here anymore ever since he decided to give it a rest keep calling GTB.

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