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Mike Edge - #1 soldier in the Army Reserves

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Came across this: Terrible experience with Kansas City Host aka The Forum Heroes aka Mike Edge | Web Hosting Talk



this time he was having the army reserve service and “could not do anything from the barrack” (nobody back home, right? Nobody watching the servers, one and only person doing it all!)


You stupid piece of shit @Edge. 0 fucking respect for a garbage person pretending to be military to get out of taking care of your customers.


Not even the fucking reserves would take your fat ass.



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Paul the hypo said:

"Big words from an anonymous douchebag on the internet."


Paul you are a hypocrite, you do it and you never call out the pussy Sandyman account that calls on everyone and especially calling GTB.


Learn to stay consistent or close your pie hole.

  Fred said:
Paul you are a hypocrite, you do it and you never call out the pussy Sandyman account that calls on everyone and especially calling GTB.

I am not anonymous GaryTard! I am Sandyman, I know you have a hard time understanding that...


I am as "anonymous" as Digital Doctor, or Ozzy, or The Sandman, or DTI Design, or anyone else that uses a nick name/handle vs their real name like Tracy Perry does.


Most everyone know's who I am except for you Gary, since you can't keep private information private, that's why you don't have my real name, IP address, or anything else I don't want you to publish all over the Internet like you've done before.

Donald Trump is living RENT FREE in Tracy Perry/One-Up's head
  MGM said:
Came across this: Terrible experience with Kansas City Host aka The Forum Heroes aka Mike Edge | Web Hosting Talk




You stupid piece of shit @Edge. 0 fucking respect for a garbage person pretending to be military to get out of taking care of your customers.


Not even the fucking reserves would take your fat ass.



That's one ghetto fucking data center!

Donald Trump is living RENT FREE in Tracy Perry/One-Up's head
  Paul said:
Big words from an anonymous douchebag on the internet.


No, just common sense. Army (even the reserves) has standards, and clearly someone so obviously over 300 pounds isn't going to be in any branch of the military.

  MGM said:
No, just common sense. Army (even the reserves) has standards, and clearly someone so obviously over 300 pounds isn't going to be in any branch of the military.

Douchebag says what?


Thanks for this thread @MGM It shows I do indeed own my own servers and have access to the data center they are housed in. So many hosts today make this claim these days but really are only some reseller with not even root access let alone owning what they claim.


P.S. You're an idiot if you believe everything or anything for that matter you read on WHT.. It's worse then TAZ even. But again cowards like yourself love those sort of sites, so carry on.

Guest Guest
  Edge said:
Thanks for this thread @MGM It shows I do indeed own my own servers and have access to the data center they are housed in. So many hosts today make this claim these days but really are only some reseller with not even root access let alone owning what they claim.


P.S. You're an idiot if you believe everything or anything for that matter you read on WHT.. It's worse then TAZ even. But again cowards like yourself love those sort of sites, so carry on.


So all these others on XenForo who have complained about your shity hosting are all wrong too?


OFC, this forum is slow...

  Edge said:
Thanks for this thread @MGM It shows I do indeed own my own servers and have access to the data center they are housed in. So many hosts today make this claim these days but really are only some reseller with not even root access let alone owning what they claim.


P.S. You're an idiot if you believe everything or anything for that matter you read on WHT.. It's worse then TAZ even. But again cowards like yourself love those sort of sites, so carry on.

Not so sure I'd be proud of owning those old supermicro servers, in that old ghetto colo facility.


Get some servers with redundant power supplies next time!

Donald Trump is living RENT FREE in Tracy Perry/One-Up's head
  Sandyman said:
Not so sure I'd be proud of owning those old supermicro servers, in that old ghetto colo facility.



Post pics of you in your NOC with your servers and server cage.. Oh wait you host at Namecheap or Godaddy prolly on a $1.00/mo, account, that's assuming you even have a web site. Sorry unlike you I'm too busy working to keep up with all you cowards that post on fake names to keep up with who is who and what site you run if any.


Ghetto? This is pretty high-tech for Kansas City :joy: Technology sure moves fast these days since you consider Dual E5-2690V4's, 8 SSD's and 128GB RAM an old server.....

  Edge said:
Post pics of you in your NOC with your servers and server cage.. Oh wait you host at Namecheap or Godaddy prolly on a $1.00/mo, account, that's assuming you even have a web site. Sorry unlike you I'm too busy working to keep up with all you cowards that post on fake names to keep up with who is who and what site you run if any.


Ghetto? This is pretty high-tech for Kansas City :joy: Technology sure moves fast these days since you consider Dual E5-2690V4's, 8 SSD's and 128GB RAM an old server.....

All that hotness and you don't buy redundant power supplies, lulz.

Donald Trump is living RENT FREE in Tracy Perry/One-Up's head
  Edge said:
Post pics of you in your NOC with your servers and server cage.. Oh wait you host at Namecheap or Godaddy prolly on a $1.00/mo, account, that's assuming you even have a web site. Sorry unlike you I'm too busy working to keep up with all you cowards that post on fake names to keep up with who is who and what site you run if any.


Ghetto? This is pretty high-tech for Kansas City :joy: Technology sure moves fast these days since you consider Dual E5-2690V4's, 8 SSD's and 128GB RAM an old server.....

BTW, what is your hosting company called this week? Do you plan out the year in advance, new names every few weeks because your hosting sucks so much and you keep changing names to hide?


Or do you make them up on the fly when you need to?

Donald Trump is living RENT FREE in Tracy Perry/One-Up's head
  Sandyman said:
BTW, what is your hosting company called this week? Do you plan out the year in advance, new names every few weeks because your hosting sucks so much and you keep changing names to hide?



It's funny the people that always point this out are the same people too stupid to grasp the reason of the name change. It's been the same name now for over 2 years and it's not like I make a new forum account to appear to be someone different. I have posted on the same account on XenForo since 2011, so unsure where you get the idea I'm trying to hide. Oh, right you aren't very smart. Understandable I assume then.


Let's try this slowly for you Sandyman as I respect your low IQ.


XF Host, same name for almost three years (mid 2011 - Dec 2013 when sold), then was offered a lot of money by a mainstream host looking to break into XenForo hosting. Considering they paid more for the company then I would gross with it in the next 2 years after I'd be as dumb as you not to sell.


Took 5 months off on nice vacations and then past XF Host clients started writing me to please start up again and wanting me to host them again, several of these are millions of post sites still with me to this day. Guess the service can't be that bad to keep a site with over 500 online at every given time with the same host still after all these years. Not to mention this applies to several large communities that been with me since before selling XF Host.


So started back up due to customers I always like a lot were requesting I do so and our contract on selling XF Host did not include a non-compete clause. Over a short time, a few name changes took place...


First, it was Kansas City Host. But I decided I just wanted to host forums and not deal with the local market, open an office etc as I enjoy working from home.


So from that came Forum Boost, it was ok but felt it was still too broad of a name as I was focused only on XenForo.


So I believe it was Sheldon that came up with XenBoost and made our turbo logo. Was cool, but was getting hosting requests for other platforms using the Xen framework a bit to often, so the search continued for a name.


I then purchased the domain xfhosting from a domain auction. After about a month, someone posted on XF.com that they signed up the week before and never heard from me. After sorting it out via PM it turned out they had signed up for xfhosting with a different TLD not us in some Asian country. Shortly after the same thing happened on the site, I started receiving support requests from their clients. So the search continued.


I then came up with our current name and it hasn't changed in over two years now and have no plans of doing so in the future either.


I hope that helps you clear up the confusion yourself and others seem to have in regards to it. Maybe you should consider not being so obsessed with others online and use that time to receive a better education. If anywhere in my reply I used a word to large for you to understand, please do let me know ao I can dummy it down even more.



Come on Sandy.. You rated my reply far too quickly. Your IQ level there is no way in hell you even finished reading the first paragraph yet.
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So does "Da Bookie Mon" user ID mean something?


And you forgot The Forum Heros, lol.

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"I wonder if wife Susie knows about the vile crap he posts on his site and how it fits in with her "youth ministry"?" - Dr. Howard Rosenzweig, former owner of TheAdminZone
  Edge said:
Come on Sandy.. You rated my reply far too quickly. Your IQ level there is no way in hell you even finished reading the first paragraph yet.

Says the guy swapping out a power supply on a "high end" single power supply server...lulz.


The fan in the corner running full blast is class bro..lots of class...have you ever been in a real data center? My guess is no...

Donald Trump is living RENT FREE in Tracy Perry/One-Up's head
  SneakyDave said:
So does "Da Bookie Mon" user ID mean something?

Yes, developing a site with most aspects of xenForo removed including forums and profiles. Basically the backend engine for Bob's Sports Booker. Will be a hockey betting site for next season.


And you forgot The Forum Heros, lol.

I did? I said in my reply "I then came up with our current name and it hasn't changed in over two years now and have no plans of doing so in the future either."

  Edge said:
I then came up with our current name and it hasn't changed in over two years now and have no plans of doing so in the future either."


I thought you were referring to Da Bookie Mom

"I wonder if wife Susie knows about the vile crap he posts on his site and how it fits in with her "youth ministry"?" - Dr. Howard Rosenzweig, former owner of TheAdminZone
  Sandyman said:
The fan in the corner running full blast is class bro..lots of class...have you ever been in a real data center? My guess is no...


Have you ever even opened a case on a computer? Doubtful. And yes, yes I have. I worked for UUnet many of years ago before it was purchased by MCI. From there I moved to the Bay Area of California and I took a job at AboveNet.


As for the fan, they were doing work on the A/C system, it was late Sunday evening and the part couldn't be replaced til Monday morning. it was during the winter, mid-Feb IIRC ("If I remember correctly" if you don't know what IIRC means Sandy). Shit happens.


Sure it might not be a super high-tech facility. But it is reliable, the bandwidth is good and the pricing on a cage is unbeatable. It is also less than 10 minutes from my house giving me fast 24/7 access if required. As already said, this is Kansas City Missouri, this is high-tech compared to some of the other local facilities. Denver, Dallas or St Louis would be too far of a drive.

  Edge said:
less than 10 minutes from my house giving me fast 24/7 access if required.

Except of course when you are away in the Army reserves, errr, Marine reserves, errrrrr wait, or was it really Olive Garden and you didn't wanna leave the free pasta special to go get your customers back online?

Donald Trump is living RENT FREE in Tracy Perry/One-Up's head
Stop worrying about other people. Your mommy has been calling you for 10 minutes now to come up from the basement. The Hot Pocket she made you is getting cold. Go get it!
  Edge said:
Stop worrying about other people. Your mommy has been calling you for 10 minutes now to come up from the basement. The Hot Pocket she made you is getting cold. Go get it!

Really? Mommie jokes? Is that the best you got? Now you sound like Gary....


/me waits for the "neener neener" portion of you jokes...

Donald Trump is living RENT FREE in Tracy Perry/One-Up's head

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