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Found 9 results

  1. I posted before how I like Disturbed's version of The Sound Of Silence better than Simon and Garfunkel's. Although it's a parody, I like Weird Al's White and Nerdy more than Ridin' Dirty. Other one's I like are Cash's Hurt version And the Foo Fighter's Baker Street:
  2. Are there any concerts you want to see before you die, or perhaps wished you had seen before the group broke up, disbanded, or somebody died/left the group? I wish I had seen Prince now that he's gone. That still kind of sucks with me. I wish I had seen AC/DC one more time before Axl decided to insert his creepiness into it. I'd like to see The Police again I wish I had seen Morphine more than once before Mark Chapman died. I'd like to see Adele I would have liked to have seen Johnny Cash. I'd like to see John Prine one more time, although he had some kind of throat cancer, and I heard he doesn't sound the same. If Lloyd Cole is touring with the Commotions, I'd like to see that. Haven't seen Coldplay yet, I'd like to see them.
  3. 3, 2, 1 go! I'll add mine shortly.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoiHX9azZeQ View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoiHX9azZeQ
  5. The coolest cat in the room
  6. For you, personally, what are your 3 favorite albums?
  7. Confirmed in an interview yesterday with Angus Young for Rolling Stone that the new singer will indeed be Axl Rose. Angus wished Johnson well on his hearing issues and his future. Also confirmed, AC/DC will be joining the Not in this life time stadium tour this summer as opening support act for Guns and Roses. Axl will be singing in both bands. I think there is a lot more to all this and look forward to Johnson releasing a book in the near future telling it all.
  8. I've never cared that a musical artist I go see live, or buy CD's from, might have or not have the same political beliefs than I, but in the last 5 years, I've seen more political commentaries at live concerts that I really care to see. I've seen Bruce Springsteen twice and John Mellancamp twice. The first times were around 20 years ago, and the second times, for each, were in the last 5 or 6 years. I go to a lot of different types of concerts, but I've never seen an act devote 20 to 30 minutes of political discussion to their concerts like these 2 guys. It was really starting to get on my nerves, especially having paid over $150 for each concert. I don't care about their views, I just want to hear some music. Bruce Springsteen really pissed me off because he didn't play anything from Tunnel of Love, what's up with that grumpass anyway? I might boycott him. :mad: :p
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOa2sVws-m4 View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOa2sVws-m4
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