I'm not a big fan of Maher, not because of his politics, I just don't find him very funny, as a comedian.
But he kind of goes off the liberal rails here, suggesting that the ISIS terrorists should be called out for what they are, islamofascists, radicalized islamists, and the like. From my understanding, most liberals, including Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders, don't want to alienate muslims by referring to the terrorists by these titles.
Maher is also a little more conservative in his views of Syrian Refugees, in that he thinks there should be more emphasis on vetting them entering the US.
Bill Maher on Islam: The More People Learn About It, ‘The More You Would Be Afraid’
“It was probably not the Amish”: Bill Maher urges liberals to wake up about Islam after Paris attacks
I don't know when we started having to tiptoe over what we call terrorists. Why can't we just call them "terrorists" or "terrorists that want to kill us based on their religion"?