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Found 9 results

  1. Good match? I'm on the fence. I'll need to hear a bit more from Pence before deciding. Obviously, I'll still be supporting Trump, but not sure if Gingrich wasn't a better match.
  2. I'm leaning all over the Trump/Gingrich ticket. The crowd in Cincy was loving it.... Trump said Newt would be a part of his administration, somewhere and somehow. I don't think any other connection is working like this one.
  3. Looks like a coalition of delegates are starting an "Anyone But Trump" push. They are calling for a "conscience clause" that would allow them to vote against Trump. All this time, effort and money used in any attempt to block him could have been actually justified if they instead used it to keep that tramp Hillary out of office... These dipshits amaze me.
  4. Glad he felt the need to be in the news. I seriously don't think his endorsement means squat. Who cares who this dipshit is behind. He needs to crawl back into his corner.
  5. So, this is the independent game changer? Get the fuck outta here.... are they (conservatives) , deep down, determined to get Crooked Hillary elected?
  6. No longer looking for someone to run as a third candidate. Everyone thus far had turned him down. Mitt Romney gives up Mitt Romney ends recruiting for independent candidate - CNNPolitics.com Tool, about time. Note: I do believe I might have to support "Mad Dog" Mattis if he ran though.
  7. "That bimbo" Megyn Kelly..... Yes. I'll be watching.
  8. Romney looks to be running 3rd party for Conservatives.... Supposedly, Ben Sass and John Kasich turned down running on the ticket. Can this side just go crawl back in his hole? The people have fucking spoke. Look at the votes. This is the entire reason why Trump won the nomination. The Establishment want control, over the dejection as well as the people.
  9. Saw this already on the news. It's happening today. They called it a "summit". Sorry, but I see it like Trump does. He shouldn't change to bring Ryan into the fold. If that happens, he's doing exactly what they want, which in turn is exactly opposite of what the voters are wanting. Keep the establishment out, they will eventually come around. They don't want Hillary.
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