True story...
In my younger years, being single, I think I experimented with all kinds of stuff. I probably don't even know what some of the stuff I was taking, at parties, or other events, and then about about a year or so, I just decided that that was enough. A lot of times, I wish I would have put down the bottle rather than the blunt, lol.
Anyway, my point is that I've never done heroin because I thought I'd REALLY like it too much. When my daughter was in treatment once, she had to be on morphine for pain for about a week, and was like flipping a switch as to her demeanor and pain level, and I felt a little bit of envy that I had never tried it.
Anyway, that's my story. I never really had a problem with drugs, I functioned pretty well, and I think I was lucky enough to decide that after a while, it wasn't in my best interested.
What's your story. Anything you tried but wished you hadn't? Anything you wish you could try?
I was never much of a smoker of things, I preferred to eat things or put them in my nose. I also wasn't much of a pill popper either.