Needless to say, the hypocrisy of Amazon Pimping Service doesn't escape me. Arguing on dumdumcom that "Post something he [Mr. V] disagrees with on any site and you will be banned from TAZ." when clearly that isn't the case at all. Rather, the reason for the ban was pretty much straight forward due to his distasteful remark regarding the Hood case. Since TAZ is a commercial forum, I find such action by Mr. V as quite frankly is the default standard that you can also observe on any other for profit establishment. Mr. V isn't running a non-profit freedom of speech forum after all (as shown by the lack of discussion about the Hood case there - compare to Brivium for example). Remember, this is the same guy (APS) who agitated dumdum into banning me when every single one of my remarks on dumdumcom fails in comparison to his magnifique masterpiece.
And this is also where I diverge from Fred's pussification commentary. While I firmly believe in Amazon's rights to spew such rhetoric, what he said is not so much a tongue in cheek, rather it was more of a pussy move, a low blow that attacked irrelevant party simply because of guilt by association. The same exact nature that happened to Fred when dumdum banned him randomly for no reason whatsoever.