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MGM last won the day on July 14 2017

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About MGM

  • Birthday 03/08/1991

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  1. https://www.quora.com/What-would-you-do-if-you-pooped-in-your-pants-at-work For future reference, if you shit your pants just let it hang and go to the restroom when you can
  2. Hey look, you're no longer pretending that you're not ozzy! [ATTACH=full]2089._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  3. I'm the one that is 15 while you go around calling people faggots and retards, makes sense.
  4. How you were the fastest swimmer I'll never understand. Keep calling me a faggot, doesn't hurt my feelings rofl. You should've been a cum stain on your parents' fucking bed.
  5. Quoted for posterity. Homophobic piece of shit, I bet Gary is proud of you
  6. You wonder why I don't use my name here, your sorry lifeless ass would follow me around every other site I got to. Get a life you sorry piece of shit and quit projecting your homoerotic fantasies on other people. You realize when other people see you follow Gary around on WoltLab replying to threads he makes asking about why he's using that domain their first thought isn't "Gary is such a fucking idiot and he's going to be banned", their first thought is "Paul is a no life piece of shit stalker". Best of luck with your future endeavors, I'm sure you'll find a man to suit you one day.
  7. I wouldn't touch a single one of his add-ons with a 10 foot pole. I doubt his add-on will even work with Photobucket since with that it's not just a matter of downloading the image from the PhotoBucket URL and converting it to an attachment, they did some nasty trickery with it that you have to dick around with. He constantly reveals his incompetence. The old xenforo 2 demo site was full of him asking how to do things, getting answers from Chris on exactly what to do, and then doing the exact opposite and saying either: 1. It works perfectly (when in reality it'll break other shit) or 2. It didn't work (when Chris gave him the exact code to use)
  8. It's been pointed out by several developers that he doesn't use any best practices (such as DataWriters in XF1 or Entities in XF2), and he throws random queries that don't even do anything but load a bunch of garbage data the never even touches into controllers. I'd be scared to see the performance of any site that uses any of his add-ons that do anything with any sort of data. Just for an example, not using the DataWriter for a lot of things he does (An example being his add-on that converts img tags into attachments) will break any other add-on that does anything with attachments. For example, I use Goodie2shoe's add-on that runs attachments through kraken, doesn't work if you use Andy's garbage add-on because he doesn't use a datawriter, so no other add-on knows that it exists, he just randomly inserts it and then tells people it's a server issue when shit breaks because of this.
  9. Oddly enough, and unrelated, but the cop did end up getting fired not long after for having "You're fucked" on his AR's dust cover
  10. Because he's still butt hurt that I made a joke about someone i've literally never seen based on a stereotype of people in West Virginia. I'm guessing that it was accurate based on the fact that he's still on about it rofl
  11. "or have anything to do with it" yet you F5 it all day so you can take screenshots to post here? You're about as mentally stable as he is rofl
  12. Yeah, the guy with the gun shot. Not sure if it was before or after the cop grabbed him but I'm guessing it was after otherwise that cop would be a fucking idiot to try to grab the guy instead of dropping him. There is a YouTuber that I've really gotten into who is an ex cop that goes over police shootings and gives his opinions that @Ruby and [uSER=21]@tracy perry[/uSER] may also like. Here's the video where he had mentioned this incident https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl4HF2LXgA0 View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl4HF2LXgA0 (Also has a clip of a cop accidentally shooting a guy instead of tazing with his partner standing directly next to said guy that should likely be reprimanded in some way that I'm sure @fool will love)
  13. Oh wait.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PV_xz81MgnA @fool
  14. MGM

    Y I F F

  15. MGM

    Y I F F

    If it's not obvious then you really are incompetent.
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