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Everything posted by SH4RKL4S3RS

  1. Sheldon is (a little gay).
  2. i a very good coder
  3. what do you think @Sheldon ?
  4. you mean you have the bloody feces?
  5. @Sheldon must be called out and that is what i am doing.
  6. what you say that? I make the best xenforo add on.
  7. what make you think he is so secretive and not just never showed it?
  8. and no we are not in jail. we pay rent.
  9. you are the freak we sleep in bunks in hanoi and code add ins for xenforo. these are the bunks
  10. yes I am you are sack of shit not me
  11. Why you say he ashame @SneakyDave ?
  12. yes it is strange. he even blur it out his avatar Audio Player for XF media Gallery
  13. huh? he been working on conversion since 2013. What he ashamed of?
  14. yes but it is xenforo. he keep the look the same, but it is xenforo. yes it happen on february first or second.
  15. yes i create the add on for xenforo but i am not corrupt.
  16. i will give you a hint. i am not from the us of a. i am from hanoi vietnam but i am not brivium.
  17. i found it Welcome to the new Site!
  18. and now I am posting under my account
  19. That is why Super120 got banned?
  20. fuck you heap of shit
  21. i am banned on xenforo
  22. @Edge is the most annoying he is a turd
  23. u r a turd @tajhay say
  24. ur a turd
  25. howie killed a patient today. it died.
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