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Everything posted by Sheldon

  1. No one gives a shit.
  2. I'm certain it was due to your banning. That steady stream of wisdom continually coming in from you, being shut off so instantly, hard to imagine it's taken this long to crash and burn.
  3. Hahahahahahahaahahahahahahah. Strange, from what you said before, you just "stumbled" here from a link on a site. How would you know details about my "custody"? Sounds like we have found the real stalker. Thanks for the amusement, look forward to today's nonsense. Don't be a stranger, or a little bitch... Use the name you've already registered with here.
  4. Anonymous forum poster is as anonymous forum poster does.... Either way, eat dicks. I work 50+ a week, take care of my son, and guess what, do exactly what I want to do. You don't agree, click that "X" in the top right hand corner. Posting as anonymous, yet attempt to call anyone out.... hahahahahahahaha. Fuck off.
  5. Impressive.
  6. Question, was/am I a right wing nut job? I thought you added me into that group. Just clarifying.
  7. He needs to just go to bed... perhaps wake up in the AM and search for a job. Be productive or some shit.
  8. Nice input Ozzy.
  9. Is there an issue with being gay?
  10. Have to agree... that's more of a Gary line... Could lean towards Ozzy, but then again, the structure of the sentence screams someone else.
  11. Need to add this; about no more guest posting either.... [ATTACH=full]865._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  12. Not surprising. Everyone already should realize what the true @Ziggy is. Worthless coward. Man up for once in your lame ass life.
  13. You stopped that by lumping everyone into one big deplorable mess. Oh, and I love the whole.... "if you want last word, you can have it"... I don't give three dog shits over last word. I'll type and post until I feel I have said my part. Then, and only then, will I stop. "Last word".... WTF. I'm in high school again.
  14. Then how about quit being a vagina and calling them out, by name.... we are all able to handle it. This lump-grouping bullshit is exactly that.
  15. The continual discussion and focus on this particular person is disturbing. He's not a member here, thankfully. For the yutz's that continue to even converse with this kid, they should get a swift throat punch. I don't visit BASH to talk about kids. I come here to bitch and moan about 75% real world bullshit, and 25% to make fun of idiots I run across online (kids not included). Quit bringing up the topic.
  16. Sheldon


    Is Gary just a complete fucking idiot or what. [ATTACH=full]812._xfImport[/ATTACH] It goes without saying I listed those names as those being accused. I supposed I should have realized his feeble fucking mind cannot follow along with a conversation. Such. A. Fucking. Dipshit.
  17. Sheldon


    And to the "guest" saying I use that account, suck my balls. I use my name. I will tell anyone I feel deserves it exactly what a pile of worthless motherfucking cock sauce I think they are. I don't need an alt.
  18. Sheldon


    I know I've been Sandyman on more than one occasion... as well as Paul, Mark, and Dave.
  19. Sheldon


    Why is there such an obsession with everyone saying Sandyman is a fake account? If it is, those accusing, say who it is. I need a good laugh or seven.
  20. Not a single thing anywhere near as important today.
  21. I didn't type out that nonsense shit... I wanted it for the numbers aspect.
  22. Saving... just in case. Heh. Saw it on Twitter. [ATTACH=full]694._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  23. To whoever I "told off" .... "TAKE THAT BITCHES!!!!!!!!"
  24. I told someone off? Hahahhah. Wow.
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