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Everything posted by Sheldon

  1. Who the fuck is Rick Jams? Why in the fuck are you his bitch?
  2. Sheldon

    Hey Gary

    [ATTACH=full]1203._xfImport[/ATTACH] Yes, Gary, XF allows you to choose which nodes allow messages to be counted. [ATTACH=full]1204._xfImport[/ATTACH] If they didn't want their totals to be added, they'd uncheck that box. However, those "monthly" totals you see in the bar include every single node/forum/butt-check/ whatever, in order to seem as busy as possible. It started off daily, they'd have 40 for leaders, slowly shrunk to like 10... then moved length to a week, it increased that number, giving the look of being still busy... the number shrunk again, now its at a month...
  3. Sheldon

    Hey Gary

    Them on Bash say it because it's true. [ATTACH=full]1201._xfImport[/ATTACH] The red star is Admin.
  4. Those are attached to usernames, at least registered here (althoigh they are not the same person). These others, no login attached, are bitches.
  5. Had these been attached to a username, they would have been better. However, it simply looks like either Ozzy or Gary had an anonymous hookup in this thread at Howies expense. I hope it's not one of the regular users here. I have a feeling it's Ozzy... he's the one usually running around bashing things anonymously as to not irrtatte Howie or his man-vagina .... err, I mean his Black Widow.... Quit being an anonymous little bitch.
  6. Only Gary would highlight his spelling errors. [ATTACH=full]1184._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  7. Balls.... maybe. Dicks, a bit juvenile.
  8. I can promise, I won't be following anyone to any site, for any reason. That's a pretty lame game. ...
  9. "Earn that purple paw badge back...." Hahhhahahahhahahahahahahhahahaa. Holy fucking shit. ... Hahhahahahahahabahhahahaa.
  10. Hell, half his "admin" team would be getting these. ...
  11. Wecome to yesterday.
  12. Embarrassed? I think it's awesome.
  13. Am I only "Trumper" here? That is perfect.
  14. Love his tags... #NewSite #BrandNew
  15. Sportsbook and Betting Exchange. There is no "er".
  16. Saw those this AM.... hahhahah
  17. I will also add.... my posting here is simply related to how busy I am. The busier, the less I post (obviously (well, to most sane human beings)). Dave can say and do as he wants. There isn't anything he could do or say that will determine the amount of posting I get accomplished here. I post when and as I can... dipshit.
  18. I see my name added again. Woooohoooo!
  19. I only had fun intoxicated... surrounded by friends, family, etc... it's comical. Wake up next day, not so comical. Wake up in the cell, well... sucks. Hahahaha. I've seen many angry/fighting drunks, that never interested me. I'd take up for my buddies, sure, but other than that, mine was all enjoyable (other than the "occifer" run-ins... hahahah)
  20. That. Drinking for me was a social thing. Problem is, I did it socially every day, and well past normal "social" limits, which then became the issue.
  21. I noticed you didn't say "never have" with alcohol.... So, apparently at one point you felt the need to try out that "artificial prop". This might be the first time I've seen you come across as high and mighty, and oh so much better than everyone. I'll help you with that ladder, you can come down from your perch at any time.
  22. Marine Corps showed me how my life could thrive in structure. I work much better in that scenario. Also, doing that, finishing boot... they kind of grind in in your head how you are truly one of the few... for once in my life, I was actually proud of something I had done. While in, my son was born, and I knew I never wanted to go back to the party scene. They didn't really straighten much out, I think maturity kicked in, finally.
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