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Everything posted by LG11

  1. Come on Tool accuse me properly please, had you paid much attention to woltlab, you would notice EVERY license is now hand verified. But come on, i am daring your chicken shit arse to accuse me outright ;). you couldnt backtrack your own steps in the fucking snow. I finally had enough people writing shit without even asking me about it first. So lets assume you just want to wind me up and see what i do, i take it thats the aim? I dont have a problem with that.
  2. Now that is the 2016 winner of understatement of the year award lol. I take the point about me posting here, however the reason was simply because i knew people like yourself were here, so it was a way to get information out to people i trust. ALSO i didnt really want the person concerned knowing everything that had been discussed with the parent. You could say i was trying to achieve something without hurting someones feelings..... I wrote while extremely tired, i didnt think of the wider implications of writing it, I wrote it too soon without allowing myself to think it through more. Or put simply i didnt handle it as well as i should have, lesson learned!
  3. I seriously didnt want to stir up a shit storm, maybe i shouldnt have posted at all. One thing i will say is, this isnt just about carp, some of the things that happened took place on MY SITE, once up and running a large number of kids roughly carp age, will be on there using it. So whichever way i looked at it, i felt i had to try and do something. The only other relevant point is, i am only a kind of front person. The site/project is run by a committee/Board, we have Councillors and a local MP (member of parliament) who sit on the project committee. While i am based in the UK, some of the project members have access to people who can get things done. It is seen as a child protection issue, as such ALL relevant bodies in the USA have been contacted and we have passed on all evidence we had from our site. I teach voluntarily in local schools, i do this for no pay. It dosnt matter to me where a child is based, if i see a situation where i think a child is at risk i will do whatever i can to help them. I became a scientist because of ONE teacher, who when i was aged 8 fired up my life long love of science. I do the voluntary stuff and teaching, as a way of paying upwards. I too would like to be the person who inspires a youngster to develop a love of science. I have also taught/lectured at universities, but i prefer teaching younger kids. They have a way of making all the effort you put in feel worth while. Maybe it might be an idea to drop the subject now, i really dont want to cause arguments or problems. And while i disagree with some of what has been said, everyone is entitled to an opinion. To those that have helped me with this and other more mundane problems, i thank you and fully appreciate it.
  4. Fuck now you mention happy meal i want a big mac!! curse you, its a 40 mile trip each way to get one from here! It will be shut anyway now, so now i got to lay awake wanting a big mac!! CHEERS :(
  5. The only one i have had any real contact with is OZZY. I have to be honest and say i have only ever had good dealings with him, i have also only seen him try and help carp. Sorry but i can only speak as i find, he has always treated me with decency and seems like a nice guy. I dont know the others so cant comment, although i see my letter has been posted on GTB site, looks like i am being classed as a pedo! The assumption has been carp gave me his details and i contacted his mum. The truth is i asked Carp to get his mum to contact me!! So i dont have his details! Apart from reporting abuse to carp on my site, i am collecting the logs and passing them on to his parents who are taking action. Also as my site is actually for a large number of young school children, of course i am going to do what i can to try and keep this creep off the site, as he is in America it makes sense to join forces with carps parents to try and stop this fruit cake. Fucking bloke is a sicko. That said i do wonder about his mental health, some of the threats he made to me are so far removed from reality, i cant see how any sane adult would be frightened by them. Lets face it how many people here, would loose sleep if they were told a hitman was going to be hired with bitcoin lol. FFS. I understand why a 13 year old kid would get worried, especially as its just one of many threats. Having said that he nearly did kill me!!! i laughed so hard when i heard he had a hit out on me, i nearly fucking choked and saved him the money!! How ironic would that of been lol. Besides i did a credit score on the creep, he told carp he was a millionaire. and had enough air miles to get to him. Turns out he dosnt have enough money to drive to the airport or enough airmiles to fly to the end of his garden! Sorry i seem to be ranting now :D. Its late, i been writing work related reports all night!! i am getting to that just about to scream point :D.
  6. I mentioned it here because many of the members are elsewhere on the net. And to date you have come across as decent guys. I didnt intend to piss people off. I havnt read enough to get the joke about Garys parents??? NVM, i prefer to live in ignorant bliss :D. edit......... I get it now, the guy who posted personal details?? lol Ok i know i am slow.
  7. I love reading your posts, i dont get the lumping together thing, i understand somehow i have trod on something, i just dont know what........ Dont explain it to me, i will read the forums some more, but i think we are talking about different things. If your grumpy go kick a dog, works for me
  8. I dont name people because i dont get involved with it. I try and stay neutral. The only reason i posted above was simply because the issue is alot more serious than i think many realize. I am not the kind of person that can ignore something potentially dangerous to someone so young. Call me what you like, my intention wasnt to be 'vagina' many people think i am a c u n t, but i have the skin of a rhino.......... Sheldon we have both said our bit, lets leave it leave. But feel free to have the last say on it.
  9. I dont visit too many places on the net, i am aware some here visit many places, i posted in the hope that those who are internet active, will help out by making sure this person is immediately banned from sites they should not be on. If i have pissed anyone off by posting this............tough I realize the main focus is bashing one or two select people, however once in a while it dosnt hurt to try and help someone. I have said all i wanted to say on the matter, so thats the end of it from me.
  10. I try and live my life without getting involved in others drama. I also try and help people when i can, and like many of you i try and guide younger members. None of the people here or indeed most other sites, have been anything but helpful to me. I have no argument with any of you, and i would like to keep it that way. The following is something i feel i should pass on, my hope is that maybe one or two question marks that pop up will get answered. Because of an incident on one of my sites, i was dragged into something i would have preferred not to be. Partly because of my role within a local project, and partly because i was also threatened i felt i had to respond. The end result of this culminated with me having a rather long discussion with a parent, i am sure i have no need to name the child involved, suffice to say he is mentioned here and everywhere frequently. While i really dont want to give too many details, i feel it may help if i try and clear a couple of things up. I would appreciated it greatly if the following is kept in mind, especially when dealing with this young person. I can confirm that the person in question is indeed a child of the age they have stated. He has also been threatened in some particularly nasty ways. I can understand why normally a 'BOOHOO' type response to this would be considered normal internet banter. In this instance there are other factors involved, the police and other 'agencies' have now been contacted by the parents. One of the issues that was raised during the conversation, was the effect on the mental health of the individual concerned. Contrary to how it may appear, this person is monitored regarding activity on the internet. However as many of us are parents, we all know it is not possible to watch everything all the time. I have no details on the issues affecting them, but it was clear that significant distress is being caused to this young person. Enough distress to make a parent extremely concerned about their well being. My understanding is the situation is alot more complex than maybe i for one first thought. I have no doubt what i was being told, was being told with real conviction and concern for their well being. I understand the likely initial reaction, would be one of 'well turn the fucking computer off', in this instance i dont think it is as simple as that, i also believe if it was, the internet would have been switched off. I was asked if i could give any advice, in all honesty the only advice i could offer, was the advice and protocols we adopt in the child protection courses i have attended. part of this includes trying to keep this youngster off sites that are not suitable. So i would ask on behalf of the parent involved, if it is possible to stop access to any sites you own, that would consider unsuitable, then would you please do so. I can only stress again that the situation is not a simple or common one, and real harm is being done. For my part i am trying to help while maintaining an objective and professional perspective. If you are able to, i know the parents would be grateful if you could put aside personal opinions, and do whatever you feel is appropriate. As i said at the start, i dont normally get involved and i have reservations about getting as involved as i have been. But i genuinely believe this is one case where normal rules dont apply, and maybe a little extra tolerance/consideration is applied. By writing this, i have done part of what i agreed to do. On a personal level i will treat the individual the same way i treat any child in the situation they are in. How you decide to react in entirely a matter for yourselves, and does not affect what i hope continues to be a friendly and helpful relationship, that i feel i have with many of you. i appreciate the time you have given to read and consider this. I have also told you everything i am in a positions to tell. Kind Regards Jason
  11. For a straight forum i would go phpbb, for a forum and pages etc then its got to be woltlab. If its literally just posts your dealing with then phpbb has alot more flexibility than woltlab, but these days for many sites it isnt just posts. I really like woltlab, i think the forum side is lacking a bit though.
  12. LG11


    Some of us cant hide details online, because of my job things like linked in etc have all my details, as do certain university websites. I rely on people being sensible. Maybe cos i am old but to me a persons family is off limits. Dont get me wrong, if you do it to someone then your open season.
  13. LG11


    Not sure i could keep calm if someone done that to my wife. some fucking idiots about
  14. LG11


  15. LG11


    You talking to me?
  16. LG11


    I give my real all the time, but i try and treat people in a reasonable manner
  17. LG11


    A doctor involved with something like that would risk his license in the UK
  18. LG11


    You dont post shit on peoples family, thats a line not to be crossed
  19. LG11


    I am in Wigan every 6-8 weeks
  20. LG11


    misconception i am Scottish, i moved here for work 3 years ago
  21. LG11


    my dad was from Wigan, i have family there
  22. LG11


    ho the fuck does that?
  23. LG11


    Your wife?
  24. LG11


    why post peoples details? i take it your not from the uk?
  25. Using my real name and posting shit is not something i would put up with
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