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Everything posted by 11

  1. And now gone again. GTB is giving Morganna and The Sandbags fits with this. He isn't convinced they really want him back.
  2. We had a talk in staff forums. They saw me mention it a couple times, and decided to move it to an area not accessible to guests. We have decided to keep other mundane topics alive, such as "How You Drink Your Coffee" and "Does Being Tired Make You Less Social". Expect a posting spike shortly. Also, Morganna has made it known this level of activity is not acceptable, look for demotions/promotions very shortly (including GTB).
  3. Updated.
  4. Shut up.
  5. Sheldon = Mitt Romney Showing up out of the blue, voicing his opinion. Like it matters. Get back to the shadows.
  6. AWS = John Kasich Always talking about the old days, not relevant to today's discussions really.
  7. The Sandbag = Reince Priebus Regardless of what anyone wants, thinks he is in control and has final say. SneakyDave = Alex Jones Exposes all frauds. Many are not fans of his. Chicken Thingies = Bernie Sanders Many ideas, many changes. Stands firm on choices. Paul = Marco Rubio Just wants to fit in. A "yes sir" follower. GTB = Jeb Bush Old, crusty, boring. Low energy. #11 = Donald Trump Doesn't give a shit about what anyone wants or thinks. Morganna = Hillary Clinton Lying bitch. Been at it for too long, many people are fooled. Pack it in hag. Adam Howard = Lyin' Rafael Cruz Self explanatory. Thoughts? Changes? Rebuttals?
  8. Scary part, it's true.
  9. To quote The Sandman: Second, if there is *any* chance that I would even consider to allow some discussion it would only be after we begin to approach our former level of meaningful, on-topic discussion. Water bottles, Sci-Fi, Striving and Ozzy can only carry so much weight.
  10. Doubtful.
  11. Smelling this Dunkin' Donuts coffee and Marlboro Light 72 I am smoking.
  12. I agree with Carlin on about 98% of his topics.
  13. If Trump doesn't get the delegates, I'll go with "Other". No way do those three make it out of the convention wroth the nomination.
  14. No. I'm not. Just making discussions.
  15. Discuss
  16. Sorry. Yeah, she's hoodwinked him into getting all of his mods for free, free work, etc. She keeps the heat off as much as possible. Main reason no threads at TAZ were made about this subject. It's not allowed.
  17. Daniel has wore the sides out of that thing. Or are you talking about the other type of tight. ...
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