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Everything posted by fool

  1. I see...
  2. But I never saw Ziggy acted like a cunt before.
  3. The danger of using one man show add on.
  4. Cunts is Ziggy?
  5. Probably because they're not petty.
  6. BOOMTANG! dtdesign saw it all, it's a game between a child and two petty adults.
  7. If dtdesgin ever visit this den of lunatics (something that I doubt very much), then allow me to give a quick glance to the kind of crazy people running around here. Sandyman This is Baboon No.1, also known as Guess Who at Woltlab forum. He use as avatar, the real life image of the person known as GTB on your forum and he use it with malicious intent as the picture is defaced with the drawing of a penis. Guess Who himself is a sock account, probably from one of the real people here and seeing that the admin of this forum has done nothing against the sock account, it speaks volume to the kind of morality displayed in this blight of the forum world. IT'S A BLIGHT I TELL YOU! IT'S A BLIGHT! GO AWAY BEFORE YOU'RE INFECTED!
  8. Why?
  9. Mr. V is right.
  10. Your signature is false.
  11. Permanent ban for sure.
  12. Cookie monster.
  13. Yes, you're right.
  14. I'm not good with translation, just saying.
  15. Umm yeah, can't be helped.
  16. fool

    Gary rage

    Muppet has a nasty mouth.
  17. Indeed.
  18. fool

    Gary rage

    Dumdum not in good mood right now.
  19. Poor Dumdum.
  20. Interesting point.
  21. Is someone flipflopping again?
  22. The XF mod doesn't get it.
  23. Mr. V is correct here.
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