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Everything posted by fool

  1. Not a fan of pop music by any means but this one really gets into me, especially the one with the short hair.
  2. That's quite a surprise. I did not expect tacos to be a liberal. Always thought he is just another one of those crazy wing nuts.
  3. Can we list down all the forums by the jellies? I'll start with the two most successful; dumdum.com and popokaty.com.
  4. fool

    RIP Taz forum

    So basically in the end, all the jellies that bitched about TAZ and left has nothing to show for. Jellies eventually closed down one by one while Mr. V remain.
  5. fool

    RIP Taz forum

    [uSER=33]@jelly wizard[/uSER]
  6. fool

    RIP Taz forum

    not saying jelly wizard is jelly jelly is jelly, this wizard isn't jelly, just a jelly wizard
  7. fool

    RIP Taz forum

    Anyone remember what's jelly wizard's forum is and is it still around?
  8. Who am I? 1. I am morally bankrupt 2. I flipflop all the time 3. Also a virgin
  9. Now that I think about it, has Nachos ever had any interaction with Waterboarding? It would be hilarious reading it.
  10. What? You can see my profile? And what the hell? How come tacos is running around TAZ without medication while I'm still banned?
  11. Have you tried Sertraline?
  12. New member? Never saw her when I was on TAZ.
  13. What about mine?
  14. How come I'm not aware of this Gemma all these time? What's her TAZ username?
  15. So, who's Gemma?
  16. Not reworded, scrapped. I repeat; Focus on the murder and condemn the killer. Rebuke white supremacist ideology. That's all. In any protests and counter protests there will always be violence, it's retarded to focus on this irrelevant reality. Focus on the real tragedy and the disgusting ideology of nazism.
  17. Not your business but most likely public sentiment. They don't want to loose money flying what is now a universal symbol of hate.
  18. Correct, they're on their way.
  19. Because it's a business decision.
  20. Focus on the murder and condemn the killer. Rebuke white supremacist ideology. That's all. In any protests and counter protests there will always be violence, it's retarded to focus on this irrelevant reality. Focus on the real tragedy and the disgusting ideology of nazism.
  21. It's their business decision, why are you nazi bitching about it? Why should they loose money just to fly the racist flag?
  22. Who said they're protesting there? Is this another made up story from a nazi?
  23. What the fuck are you talking about dumdum? What I was saying is that the animal trump did not emphasize on the actual victim and killer and instead rambling about violence on both sides (which are irrelevant) and how some people on the other side (nazi side) are good folks. What the fuck is a good nazi anyway?
  24. So this nazi popo think he knows better than the spokeswoman of the city which issued the permit herself! The issue is not about all these new "shifting the goal posts" you're making up right now. The issue is simple, you lied and is presented with the fact that contradict your lie.
  25. I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.
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