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Everything posted by 1up

  1. This image is worth looking at if you're the type of person that enjoys thinking for themselves: [ATTACH]706._xfImport[/ATTACH] Random junk from my image folder: [ATTACH]707._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]708._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]709._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]710._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]711._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  2. [ATTACH]702._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]703._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]704._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]705._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  3. [ATTACH=full]500._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  4. I was speaking more in general and just ranting, sorry for shitting up your thread. I guess my point is he got his claws in there to even be trying something like this in the first place. I see a lot of people abusing the community with $20 per-pop add-ons now and it pisses me off. Especially because most of them are just taking advantage of newbies.
  5. Give us an app store, stop calling them "hacks" they're "mods", we need this under an official channel too. Third party sites are just clunky, oh and hackers..uh I mean "creators" shouldn't have to pony up for their own support site if they want to sell a plug-in...wait I mean mod...wait don't we call them "add-ons" now? This is the future we chose. UBB 5.x had a better hacking community and there was more variety than you'll see from any major forum software community today. Pandering to the few people that were charging for hacks was a mistake.
  6. Seems like a lot of banning goes on for petty stuff. I knew about some of it but didn't know it was so widespread.
  7. 7 years since they mentioned version 2? Man I'm getting old. They want a version 2.x to write out all the dependencies they used to get 1.x out the door so fast. They want to write everything themselves like back in the vBulletin days....seems to be taking a lot of time.
  8. [ATTACH=full]438._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  9. You'd end up with a bunch of dead people, and that's why it hasn't been attempted yet.
  10. [ATTACH=full]436._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  11. Actually I know a few that do hate their own Government, it's just like everywhere else in the world you have people that don't agree with the Government they live under. Most of them don't live in the city and they own guns. Real poor example as a matter of fact...you think people turned in all their unregistered firearms? What planet do you live on again? The "gun as a replacement for a dick" argument is tired and old but if thinking about my penis makes you feel better than by all means go ahead. If you're so eager to prove you're not scared go live somewhere without a military and police force. I choose not to put my faith in someone 15+ minutes away with a bad track record for begin on time. Some reading for you:
  12. Why do those cities need a police force armed to the teeth? Why does someone in the country side have to give up their rights because city dwellers are the scum of the Earth? No compromise, the founding fathers weren't idiots. They owned cannons and weren't afraid of pointing them at anyone that tried to tell them how to live. Freedom isn't free and terrorism has always existed. The difference between someone like you and someone like me is simple: you're scared of the world and the people in it. I'm not scared of them, I've just accepted they're a few crazy ones mixed in there and I'm prepared to defend myself against them. If you want a history lesson go read about what happens after the guns are taken from the general population of a country. Look up Stalin and Mao for a good read on the subject.
  13. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you don't know any drug users or dealers. We couldn't stop it if we tried. Certain types of people will huff gas directly from your car just because they can't handle reality. You going to take away all that medication doctors are passing out to the old folks while you're at it? As for guns, just because there are crazy people doesn't mean I have to give up my rights.
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