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Everything posted by Micah

  1. It's not funny, but it kind of is. The US police force really aren't helping themselves. Bullet that struck caregiver was meant to protect him, police union prez says
  2. There are racists in all races and what not. No black person with any sort of intelligence can even say that is false. There are also whites, blacks, Asians, etc etc who are all alike. There are so many issues at play. The black culture sets itself up to fail and then is looking for someone to blame instead of taking accountability for their own actions and poor choices. But even more so, many white people do seem to lack the ability to see from a different perspective than their own. Not all. But some. It's a double edged sowrd really. People like Poet(I do like her and let's not be ignorant and use HE just to try and be edgy and prove a point) do bug me because I can be aware of issues in the black community and despite not facing them myself I can see the mentality but I also can't fully support individuals such as her because I do feel the community is just as accountable as the very racists they are persecuting. [uSER=20]@Dakota[/uSER] I get you were trying to be witty but animal cruelty is disgusting and is not something that should really be joked about. Sorry for sounding so pussy like :P I am an animal lover, sorry :)
  3. Honestly this election is so hard. Because it really is an election that is difficult to choose. The little homo in me (LOL) is of course all for equality for Lesbian and Gay males. Because it shouldn't even be a topic. Married men and Married women in homosexual/lesbian marriages shouldn't be treated as second class and they most certainly should be able to give children WITHOUT HOMES or ANY PARENTS the opportunity to be loved. Being republican is something I personally often find myself at odds with because of that one particular issue. Outside of gay rights, I do mostly relate to the republican party. Rubio by nature differs from me greatly yet I do find him charismatic and someone who if chosen as the republican nominee would have definitely been a great contended for sanders and/or Clinton. I relate better with him as a person from what I've seen and I had the pleasure of meeting him at one of his rallies. He is not just solely focused on the party but he seems willing to bridge the gap with the democratic party. His policy on abortion, Legalization of marijuana, immigration and foreign policies are some things that would have earned him my vote. I think his youth would have brought a freshness the political party needs that the dumbass Trump can't. Personally, I wanted Paul Ryan to run lol
  4. I am definitely not voting trump but I am voting Hillary by default. It's unfortunate Rubio was knocked out and I would've settle on voting for Cruz but I cant vote for trump....this man doesn't embody anything truly conservative, is an idiot and really is only out for trump by using a presidential election as means to further prop himself up. No thank you. I wish sanders was the dem nominee but yeah my first time voting, my vote will be going to Hillary. Which would make my democrat family happy lol I am so disappointed with who our rep. canidate is tbh
  5. As a republican(shocker), I am not against total ban of guns. But limiting how many and what type of guns should be brought. I am for stricter requirements to get guns including strong mental evaluation and drug testing as well. People say guns don't kill. People kill....but then say they want a gun to feel safe. That argument can't be used to discredit gun violence while trying to prop up gun's being tools for protection. Guns in the right hand can safe a life but in the wrong hands can take a life. We need not to focus on so much banning guns totally (which seems to do well for some countries) but abandoning this old ideology of our 'constitutional right' and preventing easy access for individuals to get these guns. Guns don't kill. People do. And are lax laws, our resistance for stronger gun control, our instilling in an early age of our kids that guns are okay by placing them in their hands so they can hunting with Pop and Paw paw are merely enabling these people more.
  6. Out of curiosity, not that I particularly much as I don't ignore people, but what exactly is the purpose of this? :P I assume for shame and what not lol. I am just curious if there is anything else I am missing from it lol.
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