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Everything posted by Sandyman

  1. True! He sure isn't having a problem understanding them since they speak his native tongue. Funny part, as you said, they are really tearing dumdum apart and he's too stupid to realize it. Same thing like when Howard used and abused Gary, it took a few days for him to realize how bad he got played. Ozzy did the same thing not too long ago, I love it!
  2. Comply or else....people just need to listen. Tell us about the time the popo abused you tool, we want to hear about it. Even better post the video!
  3. Sandyman

    Hey Gary

    Glad Gary said 5 times yesterday he was done responding to you and your screen caps. I think he said: "Done Tracy am I responding caps screen bash guest here post else done am I no more" Or something like that...lol. Poor Gary and his lack of will power.
  4. Yea, he's also still pretending others are posting on his shit shack, when we know better...
  5. Remember last time Gary shared Howard's PC's? Gary cried and raged for a good 2 weeks...when we made him see how Howard used him like a child to do his dirty work. Surprised Gary wasn't able to come to that conclusion until we were able to make him understand what was going on. Then again, nothing really surprises me when you have a 11 year old mind trapped in the body of a 60 year old man.
  6. And finally...your lies are still lies, if I post as Sandyman, Mickey Mouse, Santa Claus, Rick James, my real name, or Sheldon...it doesn't change the fact that you lied.
  7. To @Edge... 1. I called you out about your lies of being in the service and using those lies with your customers as an excuse for poor customer service. 2. You tried to prove you were in the service by replying with shit you found on Google. 3. You got blasted by other folks when they caught you telling more lies. 4. You tried to lie to everyone else again and got caught yet again in more lies. 5. You then claim you are leaving because I'm a coward and I drive everyone off of bash. 6. You revert to name calling and teenager like attacks towards me and MGM, which I'm fine with but just pointing out how you act. Sound about right? What did I miss? Did I attack you for anything other then your military service lies and using said lies as a poor customer service excuse? Who else have I driven off of bash? The only other person I have a beef with is Gary, but Gary's like the forum village idiot and no one likes him, including yourself.
  8. Took him long enough didn't it? Ozzy's doing it again and Gary still doesn't get it, sure is cute.
  9. Bring back Ozzy. @Edge can leave, he's just pissed he was outted as a scum bag liar pretending to serve in the military, and is now pissed he got busted and can't face the music.
  10. Sandyman

    Hey Gary

    And Ozzy has a ton of free time on his hands lately :)
  11. Point proven, he's a scum bag liar. If he can prove otherwise, I'll eat my words and say I am sorry, until then it shows the type of individual he is.
  12. I can't make this shit up, even if I tried...lol.
  13. Sandyman

    Hey Gary

    Zero, go read it if you don't believe me. He never answered one question (on his own), or supplied useful information on how to run a community, and so on. Let us not forget about the horrible grammar either...
  14. So Gary's raging...again...because: 1. Paul can travel the world with his wife for weeks... 2. Paul can afford an iPhone 7 and take awesome pics... 3. Tracy Perry owns a bunch of paid forum scripts and Gary doesn't... 4. Tracy worked his ass off and saved money and is now retired and enjoying life... 5. Tracy can spend $$ on nice things.. 6. Dave is married and has a family, Gary doesn't... 7. Gary is banned from TAZ, again... 8. Gary gets ignored when he posts in threads... 9. Mark has a job and successful forums, Gary has neither... 10. phpBB and his shit hosting is still broken... 11. Gary doesn't have one legit member on his forums... Yep, just another week for Gary.
  15. Famous quotes from Gary Thomas Bolton, from Wigan, England, aka Stupid Shit Gary Says:
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