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Everything posted by Sandyman

  1. You can't forget #AllHatNoCattle Tracy Perry!
  2. I'll miss all you deplorables.
  3. I love you Ozzy!
  4. If this is true, I'll prepay renewals for my XF licenses for the next 50 years!!11@@1
  5. 3+ years, 4 (?) full time devs, and they lead with DARK MODE and 4 pages of XFanboi's drooling....you can't make this shit up. Tomorrow HYS - new emoji's! OMG I'm HARDDDDDDDDDDD.
  6. He's still raging about Brogan destroying him on XF...IMAGINE having your WEEKEND ruined because A MODERATION made fun OF you.
  7. Damn he's bigly butt hurt!
  8. AllHatandNoCattle Tracy still has bad grammar, doesn't know how to use paragraphs, and loves his run on sentences. Poor fella, I feel really bad for him...esp after Chris, Brogan, and 99% of the XF community made fun of HIM and HE didn't EVEN realize IT.
  9. https://xenforo.com/community/threads/any-sort-of-roadmap-for-xenforo-2-3.201027/post-1646114 Giggle. https://xenforo.com/community/threads/any-sort-of-roadmap-for-xenforo-2-3.201027/post-1646226 #facts ^^ So, another year? Maybe Chris thinks they are Valve? https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Valve_Time I'm willing to bet they copy a few new (minor) features from IPS and Discourse, make some visual changes, and call it a revolution. All the poor XFanboi's are going to be bigly disappointed if they are expecting anything revolutionary. Matt @ IPS will have fun with his XF Meme's, I look forward to those more then the XF 2.3 HYS posts.
  10. The Sandman coming in hot and heavy with the XF hate - https://www.theadminzone.com/threads/xenforos-development-pace.153822/post-1182265
  11. Why anyone pays attention to him is mind blowing. He's a crazy old man who has never run a successful forum in his life. He has no idea what it is like to grow a community, create content, etc. He's a retired beat cop that plays part time jr sys admin now that he is retired. XF, WBB, IPB, SMF - none of these platforms need him, why do they keep him around? For his 1 or 2 license and his shitty attitude?
  12. https://xenforo.com/community/threads/just-wanted-to-thank-the-xenforo-staff-developers.215448/post-1637835 AllhatNoCattle looking for attention? neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
  13. And the WoltLab folks are like "FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK no please don't buy/renew your license, we don't want to deal with your buullshit!"
  14. I wouldn't want to be in the TP household today, I bet he's spitting mad. Probably yelling at the ole' lady and kicking the dogs right now.
  15. AllHatNoCattle got banned from XF, not sure if it is perm or not................hahahahahahaha.
  16. In other news, XF devs spend 3 years on a new theme, then abandon it due to it being too drastic, and don't release anything new in 3 years since they are working on a theme that they abandoned. I smell bullshit at a minimum or a bigly level of incompetence. And everyone thought the XF guys were geniuses.
  17. Remember when Tracy Perry said XF devs owe you nothing, and to STFU and just run your script? Remember when Tracy Perry said he'll never use IPB due to Charles being part of the mgmt team? Poor Tracy Perry.
  18. #AllHatandNoCattle Tracy Perry had a massive rage quit, and then he didn't: Any sort of roadmap for Xenforo 2.3 ? Wait, I'm not rage quitting, just joking, I contemplated the idea of rage quitting, but decided against it: Any sort of roadmap for Xenforo 2.3 ? He's contemplating the idea of contemplating spending $500 (whoa big spenda') on another dead site no one visits and he thinks that is the carrot that will make XF or IPB jump through hoops for his measly renewal. News flash old man: They don't care about your $500 bucks nor your dead sites. Just like he left PedoZone, we all know he has an alt there and is at a minimum reading.
  19. They need to hire AllHatNoCattle Tracy Perry to fix their shit!
  20. What the difference between this: And this:
  21. I'd hate to be the child of [uSER=21]@tracy perry[/uSER], I bet that was a horrible upbringing, poor kids.
  22. More [uSER=21]@tracy perry[/uSER] raging on PedoZone all morning, yet he has said nothing new...folks are now laughing at him and pointing out what a fuck tard he is. Made my morning already!
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