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Everything posted by Jacquii

  1. Keep my name out of your goddamn mouth is all I say. You posted some shit about me thinking you'd be cutesy. You're a complete fuckwad and a lame horses ass Tracy. I have never been anything but kind to you, even when we disagree on politics. And then to come see this shit that you've posted behind my back!!! Fuck you dude! Fuck you in your lame old asshole. J.
  2. I'm transsexual yes. I'm male to female transgender. I started my transition my junior year highschool back in 1992. And not that it's anyone's fucking business - but I have NEVER hid who I am from anyone. I am not ashamed of my T status as some might have you believe. What's sorta hurtful though - is the mean-spirited comments being made about me, as if I should be ashamed of myself. Ya'll need to stop. What's between my legs is none of your damn business and has NEVER been any of your business. Regarding Blu ... I have another pitbull and a chihuahua here. I love them with all of my soul. I have a cat as well. Blu was the only dog that I intentionally purchased and he was mine. The others were adopted because I love animals and didn't want to see them shipped off to an animal shelter were they would have been euthanized. You can't even begin to understand how painful it was for me to put him down! And listen... I'm in Tennessee where country ass bastards routinely shoot their lame horses (you know - the ones like Tracy) in their heads. Some have called what I did for Blu - Animal abuse. It would seem that you -- unlike the DA here in my city -- have the definition of animal cruelty completely fucked up. And shame on all of you who have engaged in the little back and forth about my situation as if you even knew what the situation was. You don't know. And you should keep your goddamn mouths shut. Thanks! J.
  3. It's because of unashamed homophobic, transphobic douchebags like yourself that tragedies like what recently happened in Orlando actually happen. FUCK you Tracy. Keep my name out of your goddamn mouth. Thanks! J.
  4. Oh Puhlease! I held Blu in my lap and put him out of his misery as I rocked him back and forth, telling him I loved him. In my mind - It's no different than taking him back to the bastards who charged me $200+ for feeding me false hope that he'd be okay. They'd only stick a vial full of poison in him! At the end of the day - it's none of you bastards' business how I chose to put Blu down. He was my responsibility and I stood up and owned that responsibility. STFU @SneakyDave - You are not my judge, jury and executioner. FUCK OFF! Anyway - I was just told about this forum and saw my name being mentioned and decided to reply. I give zero fucks about any of you who are churning the rumor mill. As far as I'm concerned - you are scum of the earth. Boys ==> BYE! J.
  5. He was diagnosed with stage 4 heartworms! He didn't start showing symptoms until about 6 days before I put him down. It was TRAGIC. So I did for him what I did. And you bastards pretending like you know even one bit about the circumstance (when you don't) is infuriating. HOW DARE ANY OF YOU FUCKERS!!?? J.
  6. [uSER=21]@tracy perry[/uSER] - You are a low-life HATEFUL bastard. Suck a slew of dicks and when you finish - you can get bent over and fucked. What I did for my dog -- and I hope my previous 'guest' post will be approved -- is none of yours or anyone else's goddamn business! Knowing the situation he was in - the District Attorney here in Oak Ridge, TN agreed that I had the full right to put him down immediately as I did. He had WORMS crawling out of his body! He was DYING! About my transgender status... I'd be happy to fuck you with a dildo you pompous bastard! J.
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