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Daniel Hood

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Daniel Hood last won the day on January 5 2017

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About Daniel Hood

  • Birthday 06/16/1990

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Potential solution: Don't visit it. Now, I know, this sounds crazy and it might not work but go ahead and give it a try.
  2. You can also create route filters within the installer, XenForo Media Gallery actually does it (or used to, before it was an official add-on).
  3. Ah ok, yeah you're already doing what I suggested within the first query. The second query is what should be modified. I'd recommend avoiding any query that can be executed an arbitrary amount of times, when doable. It's not that it's a bad query in terms of execution since everything is indexed appropriately but once that page has 20-50-so-on users on the page it's not ideal. I'd recommend changing it to where you get all the users ignoring all the users on the page. Send it an array and then do "Where user_ignored.ignored_user_id IN (" . $this->_getDb()->quote($userIds) Then you have one query regardless of how many users are being analyzed. [Edit] It's a similar concept to how XenForo does "getAndMergeAttachments" or whatever.
  4. No problem. I don't have the db schema handy anymore but I imagine you could fetch the users being ignored by querying against the xf_user_ignore table grouping by userid and counting the number of rows. Loop through those results to compile an array of user ids (the ones being ignored). Then use XenForo_Model_User::getUsers() or getUsersById() or something, been a minute, and send the array to get the data for the users necessary. [Edit] Then loop through the users and join in the number of people being ignored?
  5. On the other hand you could just create the page with the install callback in the add-on. No need for a controller and route, just the two files (I presume that's what it is), the actual page callback file and then the install script.
  6. Well I got banned but here's screenshots for those that care. There's a bonus one at the bottom that not many people saw. View: http://imgur.com/a/fNlav Edited By SneakyDave: Just uploading the images from imgur here just as a backup.
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