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Everything posted by WizardofOZ

  1. I have no forum anymore, or at least one worth speaking of. But if your trying to find out who I am, I was Adam H at Taz................NO not Howard.
  2. Is Taz still around, Ive only visited a couple of times since they banned me, and even that visit was to make sure they hadnt removed my Two factor auth on my banned account.
  3. Just have sex and be done with it, your bickering isnt fooling anyone #secretlovers :eyes: :scream:
  4. I don't see a problem to be honest, Xenforo has the ability to goto 60 mins. I know of vbulletin sites set at days rather than minutes. It's always been used to give the impression of activity which does actually work in a normal situation...............but obviously in a forum of forum admins its tough to justify it because everyone has that knowledge.
  5. Richard R ( not sure who he was but he posted something similar to me ) , pretty sure someone else got axed as well but cant think who. On top of all the people Shandy has pissed off as a result of his vendetta today
  6. that thread on TAZ has been wiped out down to when it was originally locked it seems. Looks like Taz lost a handful of members for no reason now lol
  7. Depends on the situation I guess and where he PM'd from, It wouldn't be right if he PM'd me on TAZ for example if he was asking me to join another Admin forum. In this situation though he PM'd me on Xenforo's official forum which I saw as reasonable and perfectly fine since we spoke a fair bit when I was a member of other sites we were both on, i.e xenadmins, xfuniverse.
  8. Dave invited me long before I was banned from TAZ. I just didnt sign up until now because what better way to get a point across than posting a site everyone goes to when there is gossip lol.
  9. I have it by good knowledge that Sandman is $240, not $1000 which makes his vendetta even worse.
  10. I have to say I agree, The threat of employers being notified and family being brought into the conversation would certainly make me either seek legal advice for slander ( or fear of family safety if you really wanted to play hard lol ) or to go around the guys house and have some chosen words in person. One thing is to be owed money, another things is to potentially seek to ruin someones life as a result. Hell there is a well respected Dev which cost me a buck or two over at XF but sometimes when you risk outsourcing to someone who isnt insured ( which most freelancers / sole traders are not ) you've got to admit defeat and move on.
  11. Pretty sure Sandy removed Alpha's post, although I find it highly amusing people are mainly focusing on alphas post about Dan's Employer rather than the post of Sandy's which in my opinion is worse. Richard R also posted a similar opinion as mine earlier today and has since had it removed. I can't believe people are also urging Dan to get into debt to pay the money owed. Does anyone have a break down of whats owed and who to ?
  12. Archive capture, Adam H has been banned and IP banned as a result :D The whole Daniel Hood situation Truth Hurts obviously
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