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Everything posted by Ziggy

  1. He did, where?
  2. Lol, the list I see is at least 600 pages, as it also shows all spam bans also. But a admin may be able to filter it better from the ACP.
  3. Sometimes it's added why when someone is banned, but sometimes not.
  4. He was banned by his request in 2014. But then he came back and changed his name to Scrotnig, and yes that account is banned, but I can't seem to find a documented reason why.
  5. I was looking for the post that mentioned that, but I can't seem to find it. Perhaps it was for another reason then. :scream:
  6. You are banned at TAZ because you asked to be.
  7. Very possible, but it's pure speculation on my part as I have nothing to do with it.
  8. I dunno about that. IMO Howard probably got the app at a discount, so vbresults could showcase his app on there.
  9. Then I am getting jipped. :p
  10. I can guarantee you, I am not getting any kind of compensation whatsoever. :)
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