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Ziggy last won the day on July 22 2016

Ziggy had the most liked content!

About Ziggy

  • Birthday 03/25/1971

Ziggy's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. This is one of Ozzy47's accounts. AKA WOWT, Kent.S, and Sandman RSS Feed
  2. I have a feeling I know who it is, and it's not any member of this site. ;)
  3. What are you basing this on?
  4. Yeah, test site was the latest version.
  5. He is switching from the test site to the real one.
  6. Ummm, he made a mistake typing that, shout is open to guests again.
  7. And he properly deleted the above one, too late.
  8. [ATTACH=full]716._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  9. [ATTACH=full]715._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  10. [ATTACH=full]696._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  11. Perhaps, but TBH, I think he is home schooled sobtimes really don't matter.
  12. Kinda reminds ya of someone don't it?
  13. Yeah it's easy to get a lot of posts answering the same question 20+ times over and over.
  14. It correct Mark, that is over a 30 day period.
  15. That was a classic. :p
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