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Everything posted by Cloaked

  1. Did we really go to the moon? I always thought we did and remember watching the landing as a child. I am questioning myself whether what i seen was real or not. I am not sure if a human could survive passing through the Van Allen belt so I wonder if we really did go to the moon.
  2. If stool or mark brainless aka "I never take a stand on anything", posted in it then yes I missed the plot.
  3. This thread makes no sense. .Just saying.
  4. That can't possibly be the drug addict. If it was he would have posted a long unreadable reply with a bunch of useless drivel to make himself look like he knows what he is talking about. BTW he isn't a pothead he is a crack head.
  5. I wonder how my house stays warm in the winter then. My LPG heated home does just fine in the winter. I have to get it filled half way through the winter, in bad winters have to fill it twice, and it doesn't seem to be a problem for the delivery truck to get it here and pump it to my tank.
  6. I would take it over and first thing I would do would be to unban everyone. Second thing would be to remove all staff, because as Sheldon says one person can run it now. Last thing I'd do is ban the fucktard that owns it now.
  7. Lisa knows full well that trusted admins as well as Howie read PM's.
  8. I haven't been there for a while. Left long before Howie banned me for saying Hood should pimp out his wife if he had financial problems.
  9. Ah Joey bag of donuts. He was and still is the laughing stock in the forum world.
  10. Not to mention that is old news. That's Joey Blowhard for you. TAZ at one time had 2 spammers on staff. Shellspeare, or whatever she goers by now, was a prolific private message spammer and Joey Blowhard who posted shit like this. Looks like things never change.
  11. I've done every drug there was in my youth. I loved LSD and Mescaline. I only tried heroin twice. Didn't do anything for me. Same for coke. Give me some blotter or window pane and that's all I needed. Used to eat white crosses like they were candy so I could make it work after a night of hard partying. I haven't touched any drugs in almost 40 years. When my first wife got pregnant with my first daughter I stopped everything including drinking. Now I'll have a few beers and couple shots about once a month.
  12. Let me clear something up for the slow of mind. You know who I mean. I have a fiber connection from Comcast Business. I have 13 IPs and 10 are usable. The other 3 are used to connect to the Comcast network. I could get technical here, but, those short of brain power couldn't comprehend. 1 of those usable IPs goes to a router that is used for my families internet access. The other 9 are split between my 3 servers. The IP you see, ending in .113, is the one me and my family use for internet access. It is also used as a test bed when I create a new VPS to put live on 1 of the servers. At this point Admins Zone is running there because I haven't had time to move it to one of the main servers. As to why you see bobschwarz.com as rDNS on that IP is because I control rDNS and can set it anyway I please. The way I do it makes it easy for me. So Gary I have no need to waste time having my server scrape your site since there is nothing there except a mentally challenged fool talking to himself.
  13. I guess I could point out to Gary I retired at the age of 36 when I sold my business. I got bored with fishing, hunting and traveling and took a job part time 4 years ago. I will be old enough to collect Social Security in March when I turn 62. I will work the part time job until I get bored with it. Having too much fun doing what I do now. Of course it's always nice to be able to work when I want.
  14. I coach football so Sundays are spent at games. In the summer I play 12 and 16 inch softball. I also coach little league baseball.
  15. Also to note. Those guidelines were created so that TAZ could fit in the big board category so that staff could participate in the discussions in the big board forum. When staff started to post in there all of the big board owners stopped posting and many left the site. Brent started a forum that is invite only for big board owners and most of the owners went there.
  16. None the real big board owners post there much anymore. Lisa did own a big board which was given to her by Howie after he acquired it. It was a popular forum about a TV show. When the show went off the air the forum died. Howie was given it when after the owner couldn't sell it and didn't want anything to do with it. Lisa and Howie tried to revive it as discussions tv or some such like that. Didn't work out and the database was given to Kevin who also was given the alien soup database when that owner decided to give up on trying to sell the site. Lisa, Kevin, Ozzy and the rest of the so called big board owners wouldn't know the first thing about what it takes to create and nurture a big board. They were given large databases that made them big board owners.
  17. It always was a joke. All TAZ staff are granted big board status because according to Howie since TAZ meets his criteria they are therefore allowed in because they are staff. In the beginning it was a good idea. It really was a small group of people that had access. At that time your forum had to be listed on big boards. There were about 10 of us and we had some real good conversations. Then Howie changed criteria to what you posted and let staff in and the big board area turned into another forum for staff to take over the threads. In short order that forum turned into a joke and the real big board owners stopped posting. There was a lot of real knowledge about building and maintaining a forum that Howie ran off.
  18. You were banned for something done on TAZ. I was banned for something I said on another site.
  19. The sock accounts are coming out in full force. I followed a link from here yesterday and noticed one of the replies was by one of howies sock puppets. I can't view profile, but, if I could I would bet that account hasn't posted in a few years. I guess desperate times mean desperate measures.
  20. I get enjoyment out of watching howie and TAZ crash and burn. I seen this coming back when I was still an admin there. I tried to explain to him that his archaic way of doing things would result in the sites downfall. In a way I feel sorry for the guy. Nah, I could never feel sorry for a jerk like him.
  21. Welcome to the club.
  22. I happened on a new site today. It had 3 members and maybe 20 posts. The owner decided it was time to bring on staff so he promoted 1 of the users to admin. That is happening all too often.
  23. I had a Discourse test site up for a long time. I was going to migrate my tech site. I got busy and never completed the migration. I could easily spin up a VM and get a test site up and running in a few minutes. In fact look for Admins Zone to have Discourse running soon.
  24. I agree with each and every word. I've been saying much the same for a few years. Forums need to evolve. The reason I haven't put my heart and soul into Admins Zone is because I am looking at other options. I like Discourse and I also like Flarum. I am probably going to restart and dive head on into it with something new. At this point I am not sure which way I'm going. I do know that the sites time on xenforo is going to come to an end.
  25. Such devastation. Things like this don't happen often, but, when they do the havoc they create leave a lasting impression.
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