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Everything posted by Gary

  1. Original comeback old man, try again, noone has heard this one before. Isn't it bed time?
  2. Benefit? Like "Look at me I got an iwatch!!!111!!!111" content? lol, please, keep that good content from my site.
  3. LOL yea right, until you are banned from their forum board! Where else can you post the stupid shit you post (dog, iwatch, bikes, etc) and try and get people like you?
  4. Rumor is Miss [uSER=21]@tracy perry[/uSER] is getting banned from TAZ, lolz!
  5. Youre not very good at this are you old man? I understand, education is minimal when you were police in little town nowhere. About same IQ level as Paul I imagine. Good to see a post from you with not loaded with smileys btw.
  6. Says the pollack that starts and stops forums boards each week.
  7. Good at name calling you are, reminds me of a 12 year old. Teach you that at police academy back in 1932? Makes sense now why Vice stopped trying to talk to you, can't understand his intellectual much and revert to 12 year old name calling. Sad state sorry old man, who hangs on forum boards all day.
  8. Gary


  9. Gary


  10. LOL you clone BASH.zone, not original. And count redo your post, not 74 from users on forum board. And you advertise here where the lot go over there and post, no users outside of here over you forum board. Early alzheimer starting I see.
  11. You are the looney one creating fake accounts, screws lose in your head for sure.
  12. @Paul You will be banned from forum board mine forever, I used to think a good guy you were.
  13. :mad: Maybe not, :expressionless: maybe, just funny old :poop: man see use :yum smileys like :scream: some child :poop:.
  14. I forum board visit to see The Gap! really.
  15. no :D old :heart_eyes: man :) just :sob: like :scream: using :imp: smileys :confused: you :dizzy: do.
  16. :) will add you :confused: to list :) then :dizzy: ok? :p sounds :sob: like :neutral: fun. :cold_sweat:
  17. Maybe you should, appearance given of your forum boards not dead than.
  18. Think you should merge youre forum boards with all of empty [uSER=21]@tracy perry[/uSER] ones. Mind the Gap!
  19. Now I get it, no idea obsession with me @Paul, good to admit and makes sense now.
  20. hahahah dave locked my account from stuffs, silly lot, so much for unsensored, silly child.
    1. SneakyDave


      Did someone tell you I was running an 'unsensored' forum GTB?
  21. @Paul Why did you my face over your wives? Something I should know fantasy about me?
  22. Gary


  23. Gary


  24. Gary


  25. Gary


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