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Everything posted by 13511

  1. [ATTACH=full]1873._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  2. Watching Gary with his Gary'isms in the written word, it is no wonder he can not get any job that pays well. Most well paying jobs require some modicum of ability to converse in a written format with more than a middle school level.
  3. Every now and then even the blind squirrel can find an acorn.
  4. Reporting bugs that aren't bugs takes developer time away from developing.
  5. But the fact remains it is lack of knowledge on how the software works. Think phpBB uses literal paths and no namespace use.
  6. Actually even social media is having issues.
  7. Pretty sure it was... [ATTACH=full]1872._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  8. blah blah blah the search function of facebook and twitter sucks, can't have good discussion blah blah blah
  9. Sitemap was not an issue, but a lack of knowledge of how the software works.
  10. Only if they are actual bugs and not a misunderstanding of how the software works.
  11. Go to your local big box shop, pick up one of these [ATTACH=full]1868._xfImport[/ATTACH] Get on Amazon and order you some of this [ATTACH]1869._xfImport[/ATTACH] And then order the special size attachment that is appropriate to your underdeveloped set [ATTACH]1870._xfImport[/ATTACH] And attach the the middle image material to this and then attach this to the first image and go to town.
  12. [ATTACH=full]1866._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  13. Gary, can you please point me to the definition of none stop... or is that the British version of redneck talk? [ATTACH=full]1865._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  14. Well, I did buy 8 beef briskets, 14 pork shoulders and 8 racks of pork spare ribs yesterday when I went to the store, but since you strictly like mountain oysters I figured you would not be interested.
  15. [ATTACH=full]1864._xfImport[/ATTACH] No Gary, read the above.. you stated very clearly you could do it with every user on XenForo sites... you were simply proven wrong - you can only do it on SOME XenForo sites. Those that are running XF2 you cannot do it with. Preciseness in wording is important when making claims that otherwise get proven as unsubstantiated. Further, you did NOT state you can do it specifically about Bash.zone prior to that chat (or from what could be observed in the limited shoutbox view that has no archive function). And no Gary, there is no twisting to it. I'm trying to get you to understand your Garygibberish is not precise. You sound like the old "I'm a woman, you know what I meant is not what I said" cliche.
  16. Gary, time to research XenForo 2.0 a little more.. [ATTACH=full]1862._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]1863._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  17. Such a DIRTY 4 letter word...
  18. I'm not much into the iPads - I have a Kindle for reading. For "laptop" I simply use the Surface Book that I was given. About every 2 years I get a new Surface device for free. Normally on the phone I get a new one every 2 years. I'm not "crazy" about getting one every S upgrade.
  19. Only if you are a snowflake.
  20. So am I.. but doesn't prevent me from liking to have the newer equipment. It's the GEEK in me forcing it's way out.
  21. Think it's above and to the right of his Tula.
  22. Lack of context.
  23. Some phones are not zero atmosphere resistant. Some phones are not high temperature resistant. Some phones are not "throw into the wall" resistant.
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