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Everything posted by 13511

  1. Please, don't tell me that he goes onto Twitter with shit like that? I knew he had some mental issues, but this really affirms it if so.
  2. Anything for relevance
  3. You have to have grown up in that era of cartoons to get this. [ATTACH=full]2074._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  4. 13511

    tracy perry

    Actually about $1200 USD.... but it wasn't purchased for "pro" use... as it was targeted towards seeing if the spouse was going to want to do photography. The CCD cameras I have for the scopes are a ZWO ASI071MC ($1480) and a ZWO ASI071MC ($1300) for image capture and a ASI 290MM for the spotting scope on the William Optics 103MM refractor. Both of the ZWO's are color and are better adapted for AstroPhotography. The D7200 allows the use for both the telescope and using with a standard lens for wide angle captures (like the Milky Way).... but as a nutless wonder I doubt you knew that. If I was going to get a "pro" level camera, I would have gotten an FX series.. most likely the D850. The D5 would be nice, but really overkill for what I need as the CCD cameras are MUCH better for astrophotography since they are "cooled' imaging devices. The FX series has pro's and cons... it is a full frame camera, but it sometimes has issues with deeps sky captures due to having to leave the shutter open for 20-30 minutes or more. That's why you really want to use a CCD designed for that... and one that is equipped with a fan to prevent the CCD chip from overheating. So, thank you for playing...but you failed to qualify for the finale.
  5. Shouldn't that read "thanks for playing"? ;) Of course, if you were like the anonymous poster, you'd be shooting blanks even even without surgery... you have to have some balls to create the magic juice!
  6. [ATTACH=full]2071._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  7. [ATTACH=full]2070._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  8. Not much different than any other mammalian species. Hannibal likes his liver with fava beans.
  9. [ATTACH=full]2068._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  10. [ATTACH=full]2066._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  11. Maybe he has a forum board backup that all he has to do is run to restore. Works for Gary.
  12. This is hilarious! https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=744214675761693 View: https://www.facebook.com/steamroomflipflops/videos/744214675761693/?hc_ref=ARQASkOUwxGVlfz2GA7ntNqa0sDQu0h6_RZQ-oCdJkYbQz1x1iZIhRQGQteW3_rGVQE
  13. And the nice thing is we can buy a car from any state and it be compliant... You poor Commifornia residents can't register it if new (less than 7500 miles) unless it meets VERY limited exceptions if it comes from anywhere but lala-land. :mask:
  14. And I know one thing.. they sure as hell don't use it for their highway improvements. Some of the roughest roads I rode in 2010 was when I entered California - it was like as soon as you hit the state line the roadway went to shit - and this was coming out of the Mojave Desert.
  15. Our vehicle registrations on our 2017 models are around $80 a year... horrible!
  16. Here is what our local tax authority says about it So you can see it's not to bad. The school taxes are higher.
  17. Nope... not really that bad. Depends on the area you live in though as it's determined by your county and school district typically.
  18. They don't pay federal income taxes on personal income there from my understanding... only corporate. We DO pay federal taxes on personal income. Hell, I'd go for that... I'm sure Texas corporate income taxes are WAY more than Puerto Rico's are.
  19. Maybe if they were subject to income taxes on personal income they would receive more benefits?
  20. [ATTACH=full]2053._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  21. [ATTACH=full]2052._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  22. [ATTACH=full]2051._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  23. [ATTACH=full]2050._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  24. [ATTACH=full]2049._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  25. Doubt it if was IPv6 only... my home cable ISP is configured only for IPv4 and I had issues all last night. Most likely it was a routing issue. Didn't try on the cell phone as it wasn't life or death for me and the COD WW2 group we had playing was a good one - we were regularly kicking everyones ass and won almost every game. Made for nice boost to the W/L ratio.
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