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Everything posted by Scrotnig

  1. I don't know. A mistake, really. It happens. I may have thought they had turned over a new leaf and wanted a fresh start with everyone. They even let Gary back!
  2. I have no idea why they ever unbanned me in the first place. I was banned, for ages, then suddenly I wasn't, along with a bunch of other people. Why unban me if practically every post I make breaks the rules (as I presume it must as most of them get deleted)?
  3. The first three do, or certainly did. I don't really know much about MarkFL. Joe certainly does, but gives as good as he gets and for whatever reason seems to be allowed to do so. The moment I do the same my posts simply get deleted with a rude, anonymous comment. Not worth the aggro, the whole place is a toxic mess. It's very sad because it never used to be this way.
  4. I shan't be going anywhere near TAZ. My account is banned, so I would need to beg them to unban it. Not happening and I don't want it to happen. TAZ is openly hostile to anyone who uses, or is in any way connected to, vBulletin. Even without the deliberate tolerance of SEO scammers, it is an impossible and toxic environment for anyone who doesn't think XenForo is wonderful.
  5. Yeah I'm aware he had other links up, I just didn't capture them. I had been out most of the day driving round the countryside eating chicken zinger burgers from KFC. or something.
  6. Here's the link from that notice: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
  7. They care about some users, and not others. Come on Sheldon, this is quite simple. I know you don't like the methods I used, but we'll just have to agree to disagree on that.
  8. There was no discomfort or distress, and I didn't exaggerate anything. I called out their promotion of scamspam, and got a rude deletion notice for my efforts. Ok, fine, they like running a forum full of SEO spam. I am opposed to that, so I effectively asked them to close my account as I do not wish to be associated with a site that promotes SEO spamscammers. That's all there is to it. Not a great loss to either them or me, but just something I feel strongly about.
  9. All users are equal, but some users are more equal than others.
  10. That's an almost Gary-level misinterpretation of what I said.
  11. I won't be back. I hardly posted there anyhow. As regards the rest of your post, I can only say that I disagree.
  12. No, I don't know where that came from. Gary's said it a few times, so probably started with him. If you check my account there, I joined in 2004.
  13. You need a qualified Garycologist.
  14. A stand must be taken against these things. If it were just the thread alone I'd agree but that plus the initial refusal to remove it backed up by rude anonymous comments when deleting my post. The only way such sites will learn is when people leave over it and make it clear to the owners why they've left. That said, they don't want vBulletin users like me on the site anyhow so I don't think they've view it as any great loss. My stance was vindicated because as a result of what I did the thread did get deleted.
  15. The type of thread I was complaining about, certainly was. Every single post you see on a forum talking about 'SEO services' or 'improve my SEO' with a link to a commercial website, or either spammers, scammers, or both.
  16. I shall continue to remove my account on any site that not only deliberately encourages SEO spamscammers, but then acts rudely to members of the site who question this behaviour. Spammers are the scum of the internet. SEO spamscammers are the scum of the scum of the internet.
  17. Took a few days but we got there in the end. [ATTACH=full]1897._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  18. Let's do that screenshot again, but with the REAL author this time: [ATTACH=full]1892._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  19. Gary's now raging at me, but hiding behind his fake 'Muppet' account, so he can deny ever saying it. [ATTACH=full]1891._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  20. All Gary needs to do now is ban Kent from the private forum as well, then his private forum will be just him talking to himself. Again. Lolololol.
  21. And he seems to hate it.
  23. Another reason never to join Gary's sites. He tries to control what you post ON OTHER SITES by threatening you and holding you to random. Not for me.
  24. Paul you have taken my crown as GaryRager-in-chief. Even I haven't managed to trigger a rage of this magnitude. Not for a few weeks anyway.
  25. That Gary seriously thinks anyone will believe "Muppet" isn't him, is utterly laughable. Gary is merely showing his true colours again...racist, homophobic, abusive...etc etc. It's one of the many reasons I will not join his site or have anything to do with it.
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