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Everything posted by Turbo

  1. well, thank god for that
  2. yeah there was one posted this AM that I pulled up on my phone when I woke up, got to work and it was gone. Posted by MGM at 7:58am I think...but then I also recall that he was quoting his own post about the 10' pole touching thing and something else about touching poles, maybe it was too kinky
  3. hey who's deleting posts? This site is over moderated :emoji_smiling_imp: holy shit that's a big smilie (at least it is when I inserted it)
  4. Point of fact here, his addon actually does (or at least did) get around the photobucket paywall, he specifically modified that addon to do exactly that which is the only reason I’ve considered using it. There also was a Firefox addon that managed to get around it but it broke at some point
  5. So, in the example of image tags > attachments, this is the hot topic since photobucket fucked everyone over. His "convert image all" addon is one that I was planning to run, maybe that's not such a good idea...am I reading you right? If not, there must be a way to do what that addon does, except without breaking things...
  6. Also FWIW I've talked on the phone with Andy, he helped me out with a problem I was having early on in my Xenforo experience and he's a really nice guy, very helpful.
  7. ^^ this...I've really never been able to understand why he does this, it just seems odd to me. I've posted on his thread about an issue and when it gets resolved he's asked me to edit or delete the comment...really weird. Or when you ask a question about a functionality of an addon, he won't post the reply in public, he'll PM you the answer. So his resource discussion threads are filled with questions that appear unanswered. To me it seems like if one person has the question, 30 more do but don't ask. More people would use his addons if he explained how they worked to everyone when one person asks the question. All of that is just annoying at the worst. But he's got a lot of simple yet useful addons that are basically free compared to what most are charging. Like for instance, the auto-move thread one, I wanted one that had a little more flexibilty so he made auto-move-plus, still doesn't do exactly what I wanted but I'd pay $25 for that level of functionality and get access to all 100+ of his other addons in the process. Meanwhile, I'm quoted $400 to have exactly what I want done in XF2 and $350 for XF1, the only difference being that the thread starter can control how long before the thread is moved. I'm thinking $25 for 80% of what I want is a pretty fucking good deal compared to that. But, is the code solid. That's what matters.
  8. Since this site seems to be populated with people that have a good amount of experience with various coders/addons, combined with a total lack of holding back of any sort of opinion, what does everyone really truly thing of AndyB's addons - XF1.x or 2.x...and why. Go.
  9. Ha!! I made it on to his shoutbox via personal slam, sweet! Guess I’m officially a Money Grabber. Never mind that he insisted he pay me the $ after I helped him, I didn’t ask for it, and refused it several times, but that kind of information isn’t important when judging people Some people don’t even blink at throwing $100 your way, especially when you’re polite and helpful
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