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Everything posted by TheHobby-Machinist

  1. That's what he declares. Maybe you ought to have read the stuff I posted instead of just condemning it. It's not that inconceivable, given the sponsorships and advertising. My site earns a considerable amount from advertising. But we are not for profit, so it just goes back into expenses. I have about 1000 fewer members than he does. Not to mention what he earns as an anesthesiologist doing several operations each day. Did you take a look at the photos of his house that I posted? It's very beautiful. As I said, he's laughing all the way to the bank... And understand, I'm no fan of his- I hate the guy, but truth is truth.
  2. He and his wife Robin make $129k a year from TAZ, which is not bad. That's on top of what he makes as an anesthesiologist in Winter Haven. He lives in a beautiful 4 bedroom 4000 square ft $500K+ house with a pool . He's getting the last laugh.
  3. Yeah, I believe that. Crawl back under your rock Chris, and go censor others when you get criticized. Very mature.
  4. You two can defend all you like, and namecall I do not care. The truth is the truth. They sat idly by while their users got ripped off by crowd-funding crooks. Not once, but several times. Then they punish people like me who speak up when they are ripped off. That's pure bullshit. I guess Mayanshitfit and SneakyPrick weren't ripped off by these guys, so they think it is ok. Customers, which is what I am, whether they like it or not, have a right to complain, and not get banned or censored. If you are in business, and are a professional, you know that customer service is king, and that you are going to take heat when people are not satisfied. I begged them to take action to help the members, and their response was some bs that they don't get involved. Maybe they should look up the definition of "facilitation." They facilitated Batshit and Goodie2shoes and Daniel, and others to take money and give nothing. They heard from people that the word was crap, or wasn't provided, and did nothing. Ever wonder why XF created a product which is better than VB, but VB still has a lot of marketshare? It's the way they treat people. Plus, their software requires 100 addons to create the same functions as VB. We are the only ones in our space using XF, and, instead of being nice, to promote their software to others, they act nasty. If people got in "trouble" for speaking their mind, then this site wouldn't exist. You can go back to bashing Howie now. I don't care. He's a moron.
  5. Chris D A Valued Member 1 Messages You can see the caliber of the guy. He's on here secretly, posted 1 message since 2016, and just sits here listening and carrying tales back to Howie and his buddies that you guys post. Listeners never hear good of themselves, you young, stupid arrogant punk.
  6. He's a nasty young prick. People are up his ass because he's a coder. He and Howie are asshole buddies. But he's a young immature arrogant little British asshole. He got on my ass and so did some of you pricks on here when I complained about Xenforo staff letting some of the so-called custom coders from 3d world countries take people's money and provide CRAP. Scum like Batwing, or MrGoodieTwoShoes. Take your money for crowd-funding and then deliver nothing. And they let it happen, OVER and OVER. And when I complained, I get reamed and censored. It's a lot of bull, no reputable company treats its customers like that. Mr.Goodie took money once, and they did nothing. Then, big shock, the bangladeshi crook does it again, and abandons his classified addon. I paid him for it, and he walked away. Others did too. How about that review add-on from Daniel? They like him, so they let him take money. He kept promising to do it. Over and over. They gave him deadlines that he missed. What was his explanation? His wife had a baby and he needed money. Nice- so the users of Xenforo become his personal piggy bank? No one should be allowed to get ripped off. I tried to warn you guys, and I'm the nasty hobby-dude. Laughs. Brogan, what can I say? He's an arrogant, abrupt guy who thinks his crap doesn't stink. They should get themselves a serious marketing department because with Chris and Brogan, they will never gain market share.
  7. Paul, I'm just curious what you are using instead of XF. Or is this just surplus?
  8. Not to mention his ass-kissing of Chris Deeming, and allowing him to act like a dick. (Which he does so well on XF).
  9. What's the matter with that guy? He bans everyone for no reason.
  10. Has no problem with the software. It's the attitude of staff that I can't stand.
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