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Everything posted by DohTheme

  1. I am not a beginner in xenForo Community or a scammer to do such as these acts. you want to believe or not its back to you
  2. Hello , My reply is moderated so please make it appear to all users
  3. I see there is a lot of questions and claims here so I will answer all one by one. Is that possible ? I am selling themes at xenForo Resources and uses a nulled version ? I don't think xenForo owners will let some developer with a resources do this and BTW here is a screenshot of my licenses: [ATTACH]951._xfImport[/ATTACH] Hello Roo82, I don't say I am not doing my own themes/styles I says it just something special because My themes is between a partnership with ThemeTree and the other is by a junior UI design which isn't have a good eye on Forums specially xenForo so we had hired a UI designer as I told you and we make two Themes (ALIGN-JOY). for the branding of the other fraud I am using one of its Add-ons which is Support Tickets I know you hate this brand and this author but I had to use it's addons as it the one I need to give my customers the best support experience and for the brand in the bottom do you see it is good to remove it and I'm not using the brand-free version ? and BTW some other theme authors is using the same addon with brand-free version we have a partnership with ThemeTree to port their amazing designs to xenForo and this Partnership was for almost 2 years now look at "Bell" thread : Bell at the bottom we mentioned "Designed By: ThemeTree" because some users were wondering how it is possible.so we thank Brian Anderson for his amazing work Of course we aren't use ThemeHouse's framework or any of its code we have options in common and this is familiar for example: collapsing categories is common option in all of theme authors but we having our unique options and made by us not by coping anyone's coding. also we have a good relationship with all other competitors and we sometimes help each other look at the image below [ATTACH]952._xfImport[/ATTACH] If we are coping their framework will I send him one of our themes !!! To all people here this thread is just a brand attack , someone who don't like our success don't want us to make themes or continue our work. look to the replies with our name and you will know what I am talking about
  4. Hello People, I wasn't me that is making replies here with my name, the forum's admin send me a conversation about this thread and I just registered here
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