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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/30/16 in Posts
Took me a little over 5 months but finally got my private pilot license. Had to get into a hobby that wasn't computer orror software related. I prefer the high wing Cessna 172 N and M models. Those are what I'm familiar with. I hope to try out the low wing Pipers soon. Here are a few of the planes I've flown in. [ATTACH]2442._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]2443._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]2444._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]2445._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]2446._xfImport[/ATTACH]3 points
Took my youngest daughter out last saturday for some fishing. She caught a monster. [ATTACH]2524._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]2525._xfImport[/ATTACH] she was using my high dollar rod and reel, I was stuck using this crappy Superman model. [ATTACH]2526._xfImport[/ATTACH]3 points
Not yet... well, not one that I've taken... I've got some that show it and the other one they had for sale side by side... I got the one on the left.3 points
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I've been watching a lot of acoustic covers on YT lately too. This girl is pretty awesome, she was 15 years-old when she recorded this. What she does 40 seconds in is f-ing amazing. And she's playing a Taylor... sounds pretty good to me :p3 points
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Nope, 1975 Chevy Camaro LT Sports Coupe. Bought it from my oldest brother and had body work fixed and repainted to Chrysler charcoal gray. Put a small cam in it, changed the 2 barrel carb to a Holley 650 CF Double Pumper, put duals on it and it wore Cragar SS rims with 60's on back and 70's on front. Somewhere I've got a picture of it in a box, but it was similar to this one other than the tires/rims (it was originally the same icky color). [ATTACH=full]2642._xfImport[/ATTACH] Once I graduated high school (1982) and started a full time job I bought a '82 Ford F100 Step-side from our local Ford dealer and sold the Camaro to my youngest brother for what they wanted to give me for trade-in on it. Figured I'd rather it go to him since he was tooling around in an old 1971 Chevy short bed truck.2 points
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It's a learned skill. Just have to know what buttons to push, and anything dealing with purchasing something he can't afford is a big button that sets him off almost every time.... and his memory is piss poor - that was my son and one of his friends riding the trikes with the LED lights on them. Guess he's never heard of the phrase "more is better", especially when dealing with lighting on road bikes/trikes. We got rid of the trikes because we wanted to do mountain bike riding so purchased 2 Trek bicycles. As for "police wannabe" - well, I did that for 14 1/2 years, so no need to "wannabe" was I was a wasabe. Guitars are still here, and we got a 27'11" Winnebago that replaced the little motorcycle trailer - which looked dinky behind the 2019 Toyota Tundra (second one since a tree fell on the first one, taking it and our other trailer out). Gary, here is a photo just for you of the truck and trailer on the way back home from picking the trailer up - [ATTACH=full]2564._xfImport[/ATTACH] Must really chap his ass that some folks can be retired and pull in almost 100K a year (for Gary, that's roughly 80,214 GBP).2 points
It's cheap shit. Long time ago it was decent, but the new stuff is absolute crap. Diawa makes a better reel. Shimano, Abu Garcia and Pflueger make some nice ones also. I really like my Shimano Stradic CI4+. Shakespeare is what you give to the 3 year olds so that when it does go into the lake, you haven't lost much.2 points
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I've seen several different poles I wouldn't mind touching (but the wife would probably not appreciate it!) All different sizes! If you want more examples, feel free to visit https://www.polishhearts.co.uk/en/storczyki :p And here are a few just for Tool2 points
My main forum has had so many sulky flouncy huffings-off lately, that I fancy making a new module at the bottom. This is a mock up of what it would look like. It would have to be manually created of course, I'm not messing about with new database entries and stuff. Just for a bit of a larf. [ATTACH=full]1978._xfImport[/ATTACH]2 points
Took a few days but we got there in the end. [ATTACH=full]1897._xfImport[/ATTACH]2 points
Hey Gary, here is a benefit of being married to a great woman! [ATTACH=full]1833._xfImport[/ATTACH] An early Christmas present since it was on sale. Apparently I'm not the only one that has been saving up mad money for stuff! This one is a 2015 model, so it should be a bit more open than the 2016 and 2017's I have here at the house as the wood has a year more age on it.2 points
Gry still doesn't understand that I don't "sit on his forum". His shoutbox auto-refreshes every ten seconds (or whatever) so if I leave the tab open on his index page it will show me as active - all day if I leave it there. As I've said before, Gary doesn't really understand how the internet works.2 points
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I just wasted 10 minutes catching up on this thread... TLDR #1: @fool whines about finding out who [uSER=219]@Sandman RSS Feed[/uSER] is on TAZ, and then @fool claims to know who [uSER=219]@Sandman RSS Feed[/uSER] is on TAZ but won't post his "findings"? LOL, that's one of the oldest kid ploys around...wow @fool you sure do show your dumdum#2 tendencies each day. :rolleyes: Sure fooled us @fool... TLDR #2: Howie spent more for his home audio setup then he did on his medical degree? Wait, that's right, isn't his medical degree from Mexico?2 points
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Just ran across this Dave, quoting Ben Roethlisberger: "I was unable to sleep last night and want to share my thoughts and feelings on our team’s decision to remain in the tunnel for the National Anthem yesterday. The idea was to be unified as a team when so much attention is paid to things dividing our country, but I wish we approached it differently. We did not want to appear divided on the sideline with some standing and some kneeling or sitting. As a team, it was not a protest of the flag or the Anthem. I personally don’t believe the Anthem is ever the time to make any type of protest. For me, and many others on my team and around the league, it is a tribute to those who commit to serve and protect our country, current and past, especially the ones that made the ultimate sacrifice. I appreciate the unique diversity in my team and throughout the league and completely support the call for social change and the pursuit of true equality. Moving forward, I hope standing for the Anthem shows solidarity as a nation, that we stand united in respect for the people on the front lines protecting our freedom and keeping us safe. God bless those men and women."2 points
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SzrxMNBE2g View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SzrxMNBE2g2 points
I've been a firm supporter of that outlook... simply ignore a person and a lot of the drama disappears. I haven't been back over to that site since everyone had agreed to just let him be.2 points
The Voyager Spacecrafts were launched 40 years ago, and NASA released some downloadable posters that I thought were pretty cool. Voyager - Downloads2 points
TheAdminZone is a general discussion site that the staff use to show off their badges.2 points
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[ATTACH=full]1461._xfImport[/ATTACH] Drooling over this and waiting with baited breath until 08/02 gets here.2 points
Gary, just so you know...everything I say on bash, I would also say to your dumb ass face to face, if that makes you feel any better.2 points
[ATTACH=full]1234._xfImport[/ATTACH] It's generally referred to as a favicon Gary. Unlike the stock phpBB one you use [ATTACH=full]1235._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]1236._xfImport[/ATTACH] And here it is (the favicon I'm using) full size for you. Oh, and should I mention that I have a Gretsch banjo coming in. Already picking the guitar up pretty quickly - but when you practice for about 2 hours a day (ain't retirement nice) it's easy to do that. [ATTACH=full]1238._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]1237._xfImport[/ATTACH] And figured since it's prepaid, might as well get some use out of it. Once it expires I'll either pay their $38.88 annual fee or look for somewhere else. I've honestly got no complaints for the overall speed using WordPress on it as it's a low impact site. I could always get a VPS, but then we are back into the same headache as with a dedicated server - you just don't get all the resources with the VPS since you have to share with others. And I don't want those headaches of sysadmin duties now.2 points
Poor Ozzy, lost his #fakenews Big Board badge and his moderator badge - I bet the guy has a serious case of depression right about now... Give it a few weeks, he'll be back sucking the TAZ Overlords schlong dong silver! I wonder if Howie will punish him by not giving him back his #fakenews Big Board badge right away, but make him "earn" it back? TAZ Overlord to Ozzy "Bitch, how many times do I have to tell you, you cannot take me on! You cannot take me on here on TAZ or on the XF site! When will you learn your lesson boy?! Now, go sit in the corner until I say otherwise, and keep your mouth shut unless I speak to you, and then when you reply, you have to look at the ground because you aren't worthy of looking me in the eyes son!"2 points
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Never mind Gary.. just ordered the OM-28. Should be here by the 27th. :innocent: Now, just need to decide if I want to sell the Taylor or keep it for the camp jam sessions.2 points
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'Murica! Japan, Germany, Mexico, Britain. You're welcome. You've all become better countries after an attitude adjustment by the US of A. My girl's been working on a flag in the driveway for the last couple of hours. She ran out of white chalk, but we've been running around town trying to find some.2 points
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And with the install/update here is what it shows [ATTACH=full]281._xfImport[/ATTACH] So, if Gary wants to play, he can compare it here and at The Bent Bike. I'll only be leaving it active for a day or so. It has a 5 minute refresh active on it.2 points
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A few months ago, I would say that was low balling, but now, you would be getting ripped off.2 points
[ATTACH=full]203._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]204._xfImport[/ATTACH] Our corporate office sent these out to us last week. Had to paint a special area for it. Pretty sure it's the first one in WV of its kind. I know all of our stores will be doing this now.2 points
I had planned to remove it due to its seemingly worthlessness, but the fact that chickenscratches admits that the feature defeats his trolling effectiveness, I'll probably keep it. The needs of the many outweigh the wants of a few, or whatever they say2 points
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