Master Debaters
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104 topics in this forum
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This sums it up pretty well US Senate rejects terror list gun sale restrictions - BBC News I wonder how long it will be before the next massacre.
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
The lunatic wingnuts will not allow Trump to become human even once. He must remain an animal, an orange orangutan followed by his nazi supremacist baboons.
Last reply by 13511, -
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"Yet Another Stop Trump Movement" incoming.... This time, featuring Scott Walker.... something about the delegates abstaining on the first ballot, then bringing this tool in. I wonder if the RNC or whoever is putting this together, realize this only further fuels the votes for Trump?
Last reply by Sheldon, -
- 1 reply
I gotta hand it to Andrew Johnson, the Vice President to take over after Abraham Lincoln. What a cluster to be dropped into, and the first time a vice president had to take over over due to an assassination. Reportedly Johnson was drunk at his inauguration speech, and was the first president successfully impeached due to his incompetence. He didn't ask for this job! QUIT BEING MEAN TO ANDREW JOHNSON!
Last reply by Bionic Rooster,