Master Debaters
Stupidity is not a handicap...
104 topics in this forum
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Back in '08, starting when Obama led the democratic nomination for the presidential election, and up until probably his second term, it seems anybody that had issues with Obama's presidential qualifications was labeled a racist. I haven't seen many complaints about "sexist" Americans who don't support Hilary, so I'm wondering if that branding will come after she wins the nomination, or if everybody is finally over that stigma? May sexism won't get the same attention as calling someone a racist would? In all honesty, I think most men, including myself, will label themselves as various degrees of sexist, but nobody wants to be labeled a racist. Are the feminists re…
Last reply by Sheldon, -
- 1 reply
This is funny as hell. From the BBC News website READ MORE Trump will say anything. I can't wait to see him running against Hillary, it will be a show of a lifetime.
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
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I'm not a big fan of Maher, not because of his politics, I just don't find him very funny, as a comedian. But he kind of goes off the liberal rails here, suggesting that the ISIS terrorists should be called out for what they are, islamofascists, radicalized islamists, and the like. From my understanding, most liberals, including Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders, don't want to alienate muslims by referring to the terrorists by these titles. Maher is also a little more conservative in his views of Syrian Refugees, in that he thinks there should be more emphasis on vetting them entering the US. Bill Maher on Islam: The More People Learn About It, …
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
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The lunatic wingnuts will not allow Trump to become human even once. He must remain an animal, an orange orangutan followed by his nazi supremacist baboons.
Last reply by 13511, -
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Benjamin Thomas Wolf. Douche of the highest order. Domestic Violence. Lying about being a vet and bring an agent in the FBI. Maybe he can be presidential candidate in 2030? Dem 'cannabis candidate' accused of abusing women, overstating 'Iraq veteran' claim
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
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Who talks like this about hot women, cave men? Chris Matthews caught on camera commenting on Melania Trump's 'runway walk' A microphone picked up MSNBC commentator Chris Matthews' comments about Donald Trump's wife Melania's "runway walk." Matthews, who did not realize his mic was on, was caught saying, "Did you see her walk? Runway walk. My God, is that good" while covering the Indiana primary for the network. His co-host, Brian Williams, noticing Matthews' comments that were clearly meant to be private, cut to a commercial break. Matthews continued, " I could watch that runway show." View: htt…
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
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Coming from Gawker, this is expected, but I thought it was interesting. One incident doesn't make the guy a dbag, but there seems to be a lot of these types of stories about Kasich out there on the interwebs. The RNC had better work on cleaning up his image a bit if they want to use the "install as prez" button on him. John Kasich Was a Dick Eight Years Ago and He's Still a Dick Today Before John Kasich was a presidential candidate, before he was the governor of Ohio, he was a managing director at Lehman Brothers. A lot of things have changed for Kasich since his days in the private sector, but one thing hasn’t. He was a jerk back then, and he’s still a jerk now. …
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
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I gotta hand it to Andrew Johnson, the Vice President to take over after Abraham Lincoln. What a cluster to be dropped into, and the first time a vice president had to take over over due to an assassination. Reportedly Johnson was drunk at his inauguration speech, and was the first president successfully impeached due to his incompetence. He didn't ask for this job! QUIT BEING MEAN TO ANDREW JOHNSON!
Last reply by Bionic Rooster, -
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Was that actually a thing? It kind of all flamed out all of a sudden. There were so many cryptic tweets about #TheThing and rumors about it, that when it finally came out, nobody wanted to go near it.
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
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Uhhhhhh. Neither is Jeb, Mitt, or McCain. *yawns* Still looking to me like their is going to a third party run. This is hilarious. You leave up something to the voters, is obvious who they have chosen. Do they think suddenly something will change and instead another person will become more popular and garner more votes? It's not happening.
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
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Who's the woman with the cleavage behind Donald?
Last reply by Paul, -
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I can't imagine the onslaught of torches and pitchforks this would have transpired if a conservative would have use this as a joke. Racial Joke by Hillary Clinton, NY Mayor Leaves People Cringing
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
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No need to burn down your city to get your message heard View:
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
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Is DAWB interested in philosophy in general and political philosophy in particular? I'm always looking for fellows that I can discuss my ideas with in a Socratic manner. On the abstract part, my main interest is in Epistemology, particularly on the question of "truth". On the reality part, I am particularly trying to build up an ideological position that strife to answers the fundamental meanings and relationship between a man and the society.
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
Trump's nuts
by Paul- 0 replies
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Last reply by Paul, -
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Does it really matter what groups endorse which candidates? I've never really understood why it's advantageous to have certain newspapers (NEWSPAPERS!) endores your campaign. What value does it provide? Have you ever voted for somebody based on who endorsed them?
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
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For a death during a tazing incident of a mentally ill man. Really sad story. Unfortunately, [uSER=4]@バイス[/uSER] won't be very offended by this, because the officers are African American. 2 Omaha police officers involved in Taser death fired
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
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Why in the hell would the DOJ scrub out "Allah" and replace it with "God". Instead of releasing the actual tape to hear the voice, it was released in text, with things changed. This is political driven, don't you think? Sure seems shady to me.
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
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what the title say
Last reply by SH4RKL4S3RS, -
- 1 reply
He was 100% right. It's too bad we go after people who live in sandy shit holes instead of the governments who keep them there.
Last reply by fool,