Master Debaters
Stupidity is not a handicap...
104 topics in this forum
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- 7 replies
Starting to hear more and more on this ad a genuine possibility.
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
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- 8 replies
On TV quite a bit right now. People going to these election rallies, and their way of protesting is stomping on the US flag. Any opinions?
Last reply by Sheldon, -
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If you wanted to start a congregation today, a church of like minded individuals with similar beliefs, how hard would it be, and how would you get started? With social networks and the web today, isn't it just easier and more comfortable to share similàr ideas online? Is a brick and mortar church really necessary anymore? I think it'd be hard to do with the cynicism toward organized religion today. You'd probably have to be a great salesman and have access to a network of people to pull it off, and probably have roots in a more traditional belief system. Of course, people are still joining cults, so maybe it isn't that hard.
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
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- 4 replies
No longer looking for someone to run as a third candidate. Everyone thus far had turned him down. Mitt Romney gives up Mitt Romney ends recruiting for independent candidate - Tool, about time. Note: I do believe I might have to support "Mad Dog" Mattis if he ran though.
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
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Are found to exist, does that destroy the Bible?
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
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I've never cared that a musical artist I go see live, or buy CD's from, might have or not have the same political beliefs than I, but in the last 5 years, I've seen more political commentaries at live concerts that I really care to see. I've seen Bruce Springsteen twice and John Mellancamp twice. The first times were around 20 years ago, and the second times, for each, were in the last 5 or 6 years. I go to a lot of different types of concerts, but I've never seen an act devote 20 to 30 minutes of political discussion to their concerts like these 2 guys. It was really starting to get on my nerves, especially having paid over $150 for each concert. I don't care abo…
Last reply by fool, -
- 3 replies
[uSER=4]@バイス[/uSER] /Tool/Vice/chickenscratches/baisu Here is a perfect place for you to go on your silly ass ignorant rants, you will fit in there quite well, New Debates | CreateDebate
Last reply by Paul, -
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- 6 replies
Someone punch this asshat in his throat. This might be the sleaziest guy outside of Cruz that I have ever seen on TV. Talk about a punch-able face.
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
- 3 replies
Snowden, Manning, and the like. Traitors in my book. I support the idea of Wikileaks, I just don't think it should be applied to US classified or NSA type of documents. But the very reason Wikileaks is around is because information exists that is not supposed to be "seen". Bradley (Chelsea) Manning gave away military secrets to Wikileaks. While in custody, he declared himself a transgender, and regendered himself as Chelsea. I never cared that Bradley became Chelsea, I just didn't think our military had to pay for it. Anyway, it appears Chelsea is still quite depressed, and recently attempted suicide. Attorneys confirm Chelsea Manning attempted suicide
Last reply by Ruby, -
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- 5 replies
Since I have about the same chance as Ted Cruz in securing the Republican nomination, I wanted to announce that if I am successful and grab it, @SneakyDave will be on my ticket as my running mate. Thanks. I Hate Everyone '16
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
Any other sandy worshippers out there?
by Guest Sandieman- 4 replies
I worship @Sandyman. Anyone else here worship him?
Last reply by Sandyman, -
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Full article can be viewed here, Hurricanes Irma, Harvey are nature's 'wrath' for Trump victory, Jennifer Lawrence claims What in the hell is wrong with this bitch? I thought that according to the leftist scenario, hurricanes and tornadoes were caused due to "Global Chaos"! Now this has somehow changed to Presidential Elections? Jennifer Lawrence seems to be really confused on the issue at hand, maybe someone can set her straight?
Last reply by Kent.S, -
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- 5 replies
It's funny as hell that Trump posted this on Twitter. I don't know if presidents should be doing things like that, but it's funny. View:
Last reply by 13511, -
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- 4 replies
So, which of the candidates do you think actually believes the stuff that spews out of their mouths? This may or may not particularly be your favorite candidate, but here is my list, and my reasonings behind my choice. 1) Bernie Sanders. This guy is probably a certified nut job, but I actually think he follows and believes his own preaching. It seems he's always against big business, war, and has always tried to favor the disadvantaged and poor. 2) Donald Trump. I don't think Trump is particularly honest, but I think he can use some of his business acumen to "get the deal done", and I actually think he believes what he says. He doesn't have to answer to anybody, n…
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
Maria Butina
by Paul- 1 reply
How the f- is Maria Butina a spy? What top secret documents did she pass on to he handlers? What classified information was found in her possession? How did she influence anyone? She seems like nothing more than another gun nut to me. [ATTACH=full]2073._xfImport[/ATTACH]
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
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Bernie in a speech yesterday chided Trump for this: View: Said Trump shouldn't say that, because he's prejudice against Muslims. No Bern, he's not. He doesn't like Muslim Extremists. I hope Trump calls him out and blasts him. Oh, Sheriff David Clarke agrees as well.
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
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- 2 replies
Found on Twitter: [ATTACH=full]14._xfImport[/ATTACH]
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
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Didn't even realize this. Crazy John McAffe, the founder of the crappiest anti-virus software around, is running for president. He originally joined the race as a member of the "Cyber Party", whatever that is. In December, he declared himself a Libertarian. McAfee will run as Libertarian Party candidate for president
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
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- 2 replies
My brother the crazy Trump band wagoner, recently got this shirt from his neighbor...
Last reply by Ziggy, -
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@Sheldon must be called out and that is what i am doing.
Last reply by SH4RKL4S3RS,