The BASH Zone
I'd be wary of simple solutions to complex problems.
- 1 reply
Why in the hell would the DOJ scrub out "Allah" and replace it with "God". Instead of releasing the actual tape to hear the voice, it was released in text, with things changed. This is political driven, don't you think? Sure seems shady to me.
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
- 19 replies
This may be the longest stretch of time that GTB has allowed his general discussion forum ( to go unpruned. Mood swings and fits of rage have forced him in the past to basically reset his forum without warning, and relaunch it later, removing any trace of past members of postings. I don't think anybody really knows why he does that, but that's just Gary being Gary I guess. Gary came close to closing his latest forum (built on Woltlab Burning Board) back in December, claiming it was going to close on December 7th, but it never came to pass. He changed his mind again, and deleted his "I'm closing again" announcement. One of his member…
Last reply by random lurker, -
GTB went on a rampage 1 2 3
by Paul- 66 replies
Gary finally lost it and went on a rampage... I just spent the last 15 minutes cleaning up his nonsense from my admin forum. I can't believe a 52 year-old man would act that way. I took screen shots of his posts and IP address :D. I knew Gary was a racist but had no idea just how deep it went. A couple of examples of his post: [ATTACH=full]51._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]52._xfImport[/ATTACH] I love that Gary calls me a dumb "Polack" here and of course uses "Your" instead of You're" :joy: [ATTACH=full]53._xfImport[/ATTACH] Here's Gary calling India a cesspit [ATTACH=full]54._xfImport[/ATTACH] I have a lot more of these but I don't want bore ever…
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
- 4 replies
I have guest posting on now, but aware you be that I am heavily moderating what Guest say, I will either edit their postings or not allow them on my forum boards. FYI.
- 43 replies
This addon is an modified version of what's running on this site. I'm releasing it here because GTB seems to think that I manually update the list of banned users on the home page of And frankly, even if I did, who cares?why does that matter? This addon can be used to display the "member status" of anybody from a WBB installation. It's quite the niche addon, but maybe somebody can find some use for it. If you find any problems or bugs with it, post them here, or send me a PM. Requirements: XenForo 1.5 WidgetFramework 2.5.9 PHP 5.3 After installation, visit the options and set which members you'd like to display statuses of. There is also the abil…
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
- 0 replies
[ATTACH=full]384._xfImport[/ATTACH] Obviously a reply to: [ATTACH=full]385._xfImport[/ATTACH]
Last reply by Sheldon, -
- 7 replies
There have been a few new admin forums spring up lately, all with their own goals and ideas on what they plan to provide their members. Some of the forum administrators are registered here, so if any would like to plug their site in this thread, and provide a little bit of information about it, please do so.
Last reply by 13511, -
- 10 replies
When does shut down/change focus back to cat forums, or travel forums, or general forums, or win forums, or something else.
Last reply by Gary, -
- 4 replies
Amaury calls out Howie and Morganna..... Online Status Timeout Which raises the question: why is it set to 60 minutes here at TAZ? (Cdub raises a good point above about false impressions.) @The Sandman,@Morganna, explain yourselves or I will be forced to do something very evil! ;)
Last reply by Sheldon, -
- 71 replies
A thread to document GTB's bad behavior. Paul claims GTB copies content from to I've seen evidence of GTB copying threads from my site to My thread: The Blackest Stuff On Earth (no Racism Intended) GTB's thread: The Blackest stuff on Earth - General Discussion
Last reply by 13511, -
- 1 reply
I guess I pissed off slimeydave, he restricted my account here, lol, poor slimeydave. #neverbanned, #alwaysrestricted
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
Will I get a dmca for this too? BTW, damn your one ugly mofo. Bet kids run away from you when they see you coming. [ATTACH=full]368._xfImport[/ATTACH]
Last reply by Gary, -
- 0 replies
[ATTACH=full]367._xfImport[/ATTACH] #catforums
Last reply by Gary, -
- 0 replies
@Paul how dumb you are? WBB post count statistics are wrong? - Admin-Hub People explained to you what is going on, how to fix it, and why, and yet you are clueless. You can't even run a forum without cpanel, no idea how to use htaccess, etc, yet you want to run an ADMIN FORUM? lol, dumb dumb pollack. Stick to what you know and what you do for a living, open up a how to flip fries and how to dress a burger forums, at least you are expert in that area and can contribute something since you now nothing about admin forums and how to operate a forum in general. You make Howard look smart! #desperatetimes
Last reply by Gary, -
I'm mad. :mad: At you. Can I haz Admin now? :innocent: Your pal, Fred :heart:
Last reply by Sheldon, -
- 4 replies
[ATTACH=full]346._xfImport[/ATTACH] Dave, you can resize.
Last reply by Sheldon, -
- 16 replies
I hate Katie Couric, never liked here, she seems a little too snarky and fake to me. And obviously, this type of tihng goes on with all news programs, so I'm not sure why this Fox News guy is all acting self righteous about this, but I thought it was pretty interesting. Do news programs think that nobody will realize these obvious edits, or do they think nobody will ever hear the unedited audio? [MEDIA=foxnews]4921215574001[/MEDIA] View: Transcript: Gutfeld: Why did Katie Couric come clean?
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
- 3 replies
[ATTACH=full]338._xfImport[/ATTACH] Yesterday, I posted: [ATTACH=full]337._xfImport[/ATTACH]
Last reply by Paul, -
- 2 replies
Well, sitting over at my sons house busting up an old concrete retaining wall. Take a break and decide to visit TAZ on my iPhone. Second time in several days I've tried it. This is what I see. [ATTACH=full]327._xfImport[/ATTACH] Thought I might have typed the address wrong so did a Google search and tried from there and same thing.
Last reply by Paul, -
- 0 replies
Your mission, Mr. Trump, is to fracture the Republican party and send it into complete chaos, and install a woman as President of the United States. As always, should the true indentities of you or any of your operatives be compromised, this agency will disavow knowledge of your actions. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Don!!
Last reply by Thinkinghat,