The BASH Zone
I'd be wary of simple solutions to complex problems.
- 3 replies
Snowden, Manning, and the like. Traitors in my book. I support the idea of Wikileaks, I just don't think it should be applied to US classified or NSA type of documents. But the very reason Wikileaks is around is because information exists that is not supposed to be "seen". Bradley (Chelsea) Manning gave away military secrets to Wikileaks. While in custody, he declared himself a transgender, and regendered himself as Chelsea. I never cared that Bradley became Chelsea, I just didn't think our military had to pay for it. Anyway, it appears Chelsea is still quite depressed, and recently attempted suicide. Attorneys confirm Chelsea Manning attempted suicide
Last reply by Ruby, -
Happy Holidays from Theme House, you're BANNED!
by Guest Lies- 1 reply
From Gary... From what I remember some of you here, such as Sheldon, SneakyDave and Mike Edge caused trouble on the forum for Mike Creuzer right after he bought it from Sheldon. Didn't Sheldon who sold it also demand that Mike remove all his posted guides (saying they wasn't part of the forum sale), but he only told Mike that after the sale was done. Didn't some of you ask to have your accounts deleted (and content) after Lisa and TJ joined and became staff. I dunno David... are you forgetting that all this took place after the sale was done, how you all made things very difficult for Mike which was 'out of order' really seeing as you'd just sold him the forum mak…
2018 Will be the year!
by Guest RealCarpCharacin- 0 replies
As the year come to a close. I have proof that all you bitches are wrong! still here and will be here in 2018. We are growing strong and no its not dying! I will be launching few more pet Utah base forums in 2018. Look out for UtahChickenKeepers, UtahDogKeepers, UtahCatKeepers, UtahReptileKeepers and Utahbirdkeepers. haters going to hate!
- 19 replies
You have no problem touching any size "pole".
Last reply by 13511, -
- 15 replies
Last reply by Ruby, -
My test site is up. I'm not so confident about the technicality of running it but still I want to see how it goes. Anyone interested in testing it out can PM me for a secret link. Public registration is currently disabled since it's still a test site.
Last reply by fool, -
- 43 replies
WTF? [ATTACH=full]962._xfImport[/ATTACH]
Last reply by 13511, -
- 25 replies
WTF, does this guy not think before he posts, or is mind always in the gutter? Why even comment like that on such a thing? [ATTACH=full]1974._xfImport[/ATTACH]
Last reply by Ruby, -
- 9 replies
My main forum has had so many sulky flouncy huffings-off lately, that I fancy making a new module at the bottom. This is a mock up of what it would look like. It would have to be manually created of course, I'm not messing about with new database entries and stuff. Just for a bit of a larf. [ATTACH=full]1978._xfImport[/ATTACH]
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
by Guest Guest- 17 replies
GTB was right! With @Sandyman gone and GTB not being around, this place has turned into the /cries
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
- 2 replies
Gary just posted this:
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
- 2 replies
Here is the proof, he raged hard today and finally admitted he is homophobic...
Last reply by Sandyman, -
- 32 replies
Who does Gary think he's fooling with his sock accounts? He obviously thinks he's fooling someone or he wouldn't keep doing this nonsense. His shoutbox appears to be a little broken, BTW. [ATTACH=full]1845._xfImport[/ATTACH] Gary, your reality is completely different from everyone else.
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
- 10 replies
On May 5th, 2016, TAZ had its security breached for the second time. Unlike the previous intrusion, this was a sophisticated attack where the hacker was somehow able to upload a malicious file onto TAZ's test board (perhaps by exploiting a Brivium add-on installed on the old Admin Extra site which was still on the server) which then allowed them to give themselves SFTP access to the nginx user account and run commands. They then altered several core XenForo files in order to begin logging member username/password combinations, logging out members forcing them to log in again, and finally by preventing the File Health Check from reporting the file modifications. Du…
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
What value does this type of thread have to TAZ? SEO Audit for a website I thought TAZ was a site for forum admins. Not SEO spam/scam websites. When I tried to call this out I just got a rude deletion message and the thread remains in situ, so I can only draw the conclusion that TAZ now supports and condones these spam/scam threads.
Last reply by Kent.S, -
- 1 reply
After a review of his own operation, Gary has decided to go for more high end, intellectual content than he used to have. [ATTACH=full]1926._xfImport[/ATTACH]
Last reply by SneakyDave, -
- 36 replies
Here we go again: [ATTACH=full]1914._xfImport[/ATTACH] That is after 12 edits as of this posting.
Last reply by Kent.S, -
- 27 replies
Every time I see Howie do something like this, all I can think of is... you're such a doucebag Howard! The screen-shot below is from this thread: Do you think XenForo 2.0 Gold will be out this year? [ATTACH=full]1874._xfImport[/ATTACH] What's Howard going to do if it isn't released before 2018? Can't they think of anything better to talk about on TAZ?
Last reply by Kent.S, -
Last reply by Kent.S, -
Who are you?
by Paul- 9 replies
So when Kent is nice to Gary he is Kent, when Kent is mean to Gary he is Ozzy. Sandyman is everyone but Sandyman. I think Gary associates Sandyman with whoever has said the most about him (Gary) recently. So if I have said a lot about Gary one day, I suddenly become Sandyman. Maybe Kent is really Sandyman, they did share a similar nick for a short time. Maybe Brogan is really Kent pretending to be Ozzy... or maybe it's Kier? the possibilities are endless. Gary, I'll let you in on a little secret, Howard (The Sandman) has been posting here under a different name and has been taking the piss out of you with the rest of us. Try to figure out which sock account he is using. …
Last reply by Kent.S,